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"Lord Imran"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
Hey there, first and foremost I would like, no I would love to thank you for reading my tale. See, here's the thing, we have to take our...clothes off, no sorry. That's not my story, it's just that the song is catchy. Once upon a time, in land far far away, where everyone in the whole kingdom lived in peace, where humans and human pets interacted boundlessly, and there was no such thing as pain, there was a man, actually he was a she then she became a he, who wanted all the glory and power in that kingdom bestowed upon him. Oh yeah, that kingdom was called The Batu Road Kingdom. It was ruled by the Great King Ketiak Masam Hapak and the kingdom's finances were managed by his wife, The Honourable Queen Jennifer Megatron Titantron. While they ruled, everyone was at peace, there was no Hamdan...Sorry what i meant was harm done. But this man, ohh, he wanted to take over the King's place and power and marry his wife. (did I mention that she's FREAKIN HOT.....WOW!!!). That man's name was Page Down. So fast forward 27 years from his birth, one day while I was chilling with me mate Bamby, around 500 guards surrounded us. The new king, King Page Down wanted Bamby and I for supper. Holy *beep*, we ran for our lives. We left them quite far behind till we reached a river. This river known as The Mamak Roti Bom Satu River was the border between The Batu Road Kingdom and your world. We stopped immediately, and pondered to ourselves and came up with the decision to just jump across, besides your world is where my girl, Emma Watson is. So, just before the guards could shoot at us, we jumped as far and as high as possible and we made it safely across. Bamby and I high fived each other and were soon on our way in this foreign place. As we were trekking through the woods, a man by the name of Tarzan suddenly charged towards us. Holy *beep*, once again Bamby and I ran for our lives. We ran as fast as our legs could move. Suddenly, Tarzan took out a machine gun and started shooting at us. Sob sob, unfortunately for Bamby, he got shot. He got shot in the @$$ I tell yah. I went to get him, but he said "Immy Wimmy, leave me, run, go look for Emma Watson. If you're happy than I'm happy" and with those words I took off with a personal vendetta against the man known as Tarzan. Thats all for now, I'm goin jogging early tomorrow morning so I'd better head off to bed. Good night. Thanks for reading. There will be a continuation, I think.
Unknown "Lord Imran" Sparkling - 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago

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You have been put a bunny hat on.
Unknown "Madan Sux" Sleepy - 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago

You have been given The Infamous Drinking Bird.
Crafted by
Unknown "Maw" Peaceful - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago

You have been fed milk.
Unknown "Madan Sux" Sleepy - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
shuddup....n u should thank me coz i jump for u.therefore, i think i should keep that "pet"...
Unknown "Badan" Carefree - 16 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
Imran, do i look like i care about my pets or sheep?
Unknown "Badan" Carefree - 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
don't steal my pet.....
Unknown "Badan" Carefree - 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
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