Hi, Greetings from Gift, My name is miss Gift, l saw your profile today and after going through it then l made up my mind to contact you as my friend. so l want you to write back to me through my email address (giftmaxwell92@yahoo.com) so that l will give you my picture and for you to know more about me. l hope to see your mail soon. lt is from me, miss Gift.
"young one"☆ rockstar ☆
- 16 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
Hey dear!!! I am Brazilian, although I currently live in the UK I am right NOW in BRASIL!!! I am flying back to the UK only at 14th March so please if you read this in time, contact me!!! It would be so much fun to see you in person!! I am in Rio de Janeiro, I live in Copacabana beach and from here I can see many ships although they are cruise ones, I don't think it's yours. I have sent you my mobile phone and my email through private message. Hugs and kisses!!! Hope you enjoy my country A LOT!!!
- 17 years, 4 days ago