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" Tane"
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"sarie! !! "
21000 pts
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Unknown's tales
so, here is another tale. who thought i would ever get this right!?!?!?! well, where do we start, umm.....i am very happy with my owner, and i love all the people that i have come into contact with, the only problem is the lack of internet. but since you all are so understanding, i am glad that you are still chatting with me. let me tell you more about the things that are happening here. i am not sure how much you know about south africa, but lets just say that as much as i love this country, some things are dissapointing. but enough of that. the job is brilliant, i am at work most of the time. if you want to check it out, go to www.waxinthecity.co.za . then you can see where i work. i went to my home town for the weekend. it was an absolute blast, i got to see my family again and many of my friends. did not sleep much. ha ha ha. oh well, that is for next time!!!! i just want to say thanks one last time today for all of you who are still writing me messages, and i will reply to all of them when i have more time. have a great day. love rob
Unknown " Tane" Sleepy
- 16 years, 9 months, 8 days ago
ok, so good monring, afternoon or evening it all depends on where you and when you are reading this. so, i know, i have not been around for a while. as many of you know, i moved. well, it all went brilliantly. i am loving the new job and the place that i stay at. the only problem is the lack of internet. and then finally you realise how much of a persons life is controlled by the net. not that i am complaining though. i have met many fantastic people overseas that i would love to meet. the only problem with that is the lack of cash in the back pocket. so this is to all those who i have met on human pets. i just want to say thank you vey much for your friendship. and i cant wait to get full time internet so we can carry on these friendships. hope all is well. love rob
Unknown " Tane" Sleepy
- 16 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
so they say things happen for a reason. i can handle that. but why do we never know the reason. why do we look at something and it feels right? why do we take something and it feels right? why do we meet people who just seem right for you? when all is comes down to is a gut feeling. is this feeling right? or not? how do we decide? just because if feels the way it should, does not mean that is the right choice, or option that you should go for. so they say we need to take chances. they say the higher the risk the greater the reward. but then you have to think, if the reward is so great, is it still right? why is there this doubt? life is confusing! and we have to make the most of it. i just wish we would know what we would do if we knew the outcome!!
Unknown " Tane" Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
hmmm, for my first tale.... well, lets call this the tale of the lack of sleep!! sleep is the best thing created. but going out is good. do we sacrifice a good night to make sure we have a decent amount of sleep?? or do we have a good night and look like hell the next day, especially when its a work day!?!? there are no answers, no solutions, except.....letting everybody start work an hour later!!!!
Unknown " Tane" Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
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