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"Rat bag!"

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Unknown's tales
Our heros lungs drew a deep breath... The rich, crimson, life tide returned to his face. A long forgotten moisture eased his dry lips as an urgency rattled his consciesness.
Shifting to one side a sturdy hand lifted him to one knee, then the other.
Lost teeth and shredded skin eighed heavily on his eyes. Bended at the neck he rose. Rising for the first time in eons. Rising in spirit. Lifting in hope.
Unknown "Rat bag!" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
The damp run on his forehead no longer bore down as sweat. It instead tickled nerves endings and awareness of a microscopic existence the existed beyond the pores of his skin.
The roots against his torso became less a prison and gave a sudden reminder of age and time and the cycle, not of life and death, rather of reincarnation... Of elemental reinvention to take dirt from decay and turn it into growth.
His clothes still soggy, reminded him less of his tiredness and more of his conquest. His knowledge in defeat and his honour in victory.
One flash of light... One reminder of the creator.
Unknown "Rat bag!" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
Now just as the last hope of daylight slipped behind the worlds end, our hero closed his eyes for the briefest of rests... As his lids seperated once again, a piercing white light had split the atmosphere. Even with its lack of colour, the enormity of this flashes life brought new essence to even the most trodden grass beneath our weary wonderers weight.
Unknown "Rat bag!" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Now the sun was setting on our hapless heros city. The muggy afternoon had sheltered the dying suns rays in a smoggy, bleak filter. The lack of energy from the evenings mood reflected off the once lively mans eye.
Unknown "Rat bag!" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Once upon a time in a grey old city, on a hill just about the flood levels lived a quiet young man. Amongst the colourless trees, amidst the dead grass, sheltered by the ageless roots sat our hapless hero.
Over his strong brow, the droplets of rain, that filtered through the withered branches, hung impatiently before flashing onto his sturdy lip.
Unknown "Rat bag!" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago

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berenice gonzalez barajas

Happy Valentines Day sweet owner You have been given Happy Valentines Day sweet owner.
Crafted by Jonny
berenice gonzalez barajas "Berenice Doll" Serene - 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
berenice gonzalez barajas

a little bum wiggle for you You have been given a little bum wiggle for you.
Crafted by Madame Otter
berenice gonzalez barajas "Berenice Doll" Serene - 16 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
berenice gonzalez barajas

 I'm a happy pet!! You have been given I'm a happy pet!! .
Crafted by Mariette
berenice gonzalez barajas "Berenice Doll" Serene - 16 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
Nicole Voste
hey you!!!
You have been given A Cheeky Glimpse.
Crafted by Unknown
Nicole Voste "FEISTY" Feisty - 16 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
This is what happens when I talk to you...
You have been given orgasmic.
Crafted by HoMOgIRL
Unknown "slag" Loyal - 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago

You have been given Enlightenment.
Crafted by Dave
Unknown Annoyed - 16 years, 5 months, 8 days ago
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