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"hootchie mama"
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Unknown's tales
"All the stones that are around here, each one has a language of its own. Even the earth has a song." ---- Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA To believe that every tree, plant and insect can talk takes an open mind. Go by yourself into nature and sit quietly. Then pick up a rock and listen to your thoughts. After a while, put that rock down and pick up another rock. Your thoughts will change. These are the voices and wisdom of the Stone People. Each one has different wisdom and they are willing to share their wisdom with you. Many of the Stone People are very old and very wise. Great Spirit, let every rock and leaf be my teacher
Unknown Serene
- 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
"The law is that all life is equal in the Great Creation, and we, the Human Beings, are charged with the responsibility, each in our generation, to work for the continuation of life." --Traditional Circle of Elders Every generation is accountable to leave the environment in healthy order for the next generation. Every generation is accountable to teach the next generation how to live in harmony and to understand the Laws. We need to ask ourselves, "What are we teaching the next generation?" Each individual is directly accountable. My Creator, teach me inter-generational responsibility
Unknown Serene
- 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
"Each person's prayers can help everyone." --Thomas Yellowtail, CROW Prayer is our entrance into the Unseen World. It is by prayer we can call upon the powers and laws of the Great Spirit. The Spirit World has powers and laws that are different from the Physical World. The spiritual laws allow healing to take place; they allow forgiveness to occur; they cause miracles to happen; they cause hate to disappear; they heal broken relationships; they guide every moment of our lives; they allow us to love even when it's hard. Prayer allows us access to the Spirit World. Creator, teach me to pray.
Unknown Serene
- 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
If love were extinguished, the power of attraction dispelled, the affinity of human hearts destroyed, the phenomena of human life would disappear. ~ Abdu'l-Baha The Promulgation of Universal Peace p. 255
Unknown Serene
- 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
"You must be prepared and know the reason why you dance." --Thomas Yellowtail, CROW Inside every human being is a need to dance. We dance to music. Have you even wondered why people are moved when they hear an Indian Drum? The drum is the heartbeat of the Mother Earth. Every Indian dance is for a purpose and a reason. Every Song is for a reason. The beat of the drum makes our bodies, minds and spirits join together in harmony. It allows us to connect to Mother Earth and to each other. The dance aligns our minds to think spiritual thoughts. Dancing to the drum is healthy. Great Spirit, today, I dance to honor you.
Unknown Serene
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Wilde Turtle Island
Trying to get mostly native, spiritual , and some thing i just thought were Interesting inventory Click on picture to see it enlarged
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