- 16 years, 10 months, 24 days ago
another way to get points is to click on Community at the top of this page and then Express, and then Polls. You earn points by answering the questions. And you can create you own questions for other people to answer.
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
To get points so that you can buy pets or things from people's shop try and visit other people's pages and leave messages. They will then click on the thumb next to the picture and give you a point.
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
ooooooh you have a new owner! I see my friend has bought you. Esthe r& I work together at HSBC here in Bermuda. To send a message back click on my picture and that will take you to my page or Esther's.
Hi there. Tip: You need to click on the picture next to the thumb and that will take you to the person who sent you a message. Did you have a good vacation?
You were taken on a trip! You have gone playing at disneyland.
- 16 years, 11 months ago