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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Westwood Junkies, Mitsukaz'
Herds: Tokio Hotel, Dir en Grey fans!, We are The GazettE, ・ー† ►•Jrocks•◄†ー・
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Unknown's tales
So I haven't written in a bit and there are a few things to cover. Couple weeks ago I went to Miyavi's Anaheim and LA concerts. He was fantastic, I've never had so much fun at a concert. The whole group was just so much fun to watch. My favourite (besides Miyavi) would either be the tapdancer Sarou (sp?) or his DJ Teddy Loid. Sarou just had the goofiest grin the entier time and he was so much fun to watch. Teddy Loid was truly gorgeous and incredibly talented, he looked like he was having so much fun. The beatboxer was fantastic, I didn't catch his name but I'm sure I could look it up. Miyavi was gorgeous, as usual, I loved the way he would sashay across the stage and then flash this look to the audience that practically screamed, "I am the shit". He jumped on us and I got to touch the don't hesitate & go tattoo. I was surprised at how good they were live. I don't dislike MYV's new stuff but I don't love it as much as I loved his old stuff. That concert changed that, though. The new songs are fantastic live. I think my favourite was 21st century tokyo blues. Miyavi stopped and talked to us a few times. He has the cutest voice, he sounds like a little boy with a slight gay lisp. Anyways, I loved it and if Miyavi ever comes within 200 miles of wherever you are, go see him, it's totally worth it.
Unknown "Blossom" Feisty - 16 years, 4 months, 16 days ago
Yet another boring entry in the chronicle of my life. Today I cleaned somemore and I talked to some people via myspace. I was supposed to go to my grandma's for dinner but it was rescheduled for tomorrow and she also wants to do a mary kay thing for next thursday at 2:30.

Now, onto more exciting things. Primarily, me. One of my lovely friends asked me three very strange questions and I've decided to answer them.

1. What area of your life is always impeccably organized?
Nothing in my life is really that organized but probably my music files are the worst. Some of them I neglect but some (like Dir en grey) I have organized right down to the composer and date of release or video files of them are organized by what venue it's from.

2. Why don't you ever have a boyfriend?
God, I'm so tired of this question. Because no one that has asked me out is anyone I would have an interest in dating. I wish people would stop trying to play matchmaker for me, too. I get embarrassed easily, especially when you march up to someone and tell him to dump his girlfriend and ask me out. I hardly know the guy, I just said he was nice, it doesn't mean I like him. I'd talked to him, what, 3 times? I haven't talked to him since then, I'm too embarrassed.

3. What's one thing you wish you had more in your life?
Good conversation, not just the bitching about school and generic how-goes-it stuff. I'd like to have serious discussions with interesting people and I'd like to know more about them and why they are the way they are. I want to know what games they liked as kids and what they think the lyrics to a certain song mean. I want to talk to people and learn about their perspectives and what makes them them. Even random strangers. I'm not good about approaching people so I guess I would like people to start conversation with me.
Unknown "Blossom" Feisty - 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
so, day two of the journal. Today was even less exciting than yesterday. I slept until about noonish, woke up and cleaned my room some more. Around 2 I watched episode 7? of 18 Censored or Not 18 on youtube. My Chinese is improving, too bad I'm learning Japanese for school. My dad brought my brothers home and I made them snacks, mostly crackers and cherries. Speaking of which, I drank most of my pomegranate tea and the apple/pear sparkling water. My dad accused me of leaving the house, which I hadn't. We got into a minor argument. We ate dinner, which was spaghetti. The sauce was a bit watery and there were whole sausages in it. That would be my dad's idea. I went to target and bought carpet cleaner, some bins, a cd shelf, air freshener and came home. I'm currently in the middle of assembling the cd shelves. When I move out I'm doing my apartment all in black, white and red and everything is going to be very modern/artsy witch sharp edges and a lot o contrast. I'm going to have a ton of pictures from work on the walls and I'll probably exile all of my non-black/white/red and non-hardcover books to a bookshelf in the closet. I;m thinking about calling it quits for the night but we have a housekeeper coming over tomorrow so I really shoulod finish my room. Oh well, I'll probably laze about for a while and then finish late at night. I need a break. The sunrise this morning was gorgeous. The whole sky was pink.
Unknown "Blossom" Feisty - 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
I haven't kept a journal in a while. I'm always meaning to, but I never do. Maybe +10 points will be a good incentive, probably not, but we'll try it. Today was a rather boring day. I woke up about 11ish and took a shower and then I found my female beta was very ill and so I moved her into a different tank and cleaned out her tank. I cleaned my room, which currently looks like one monsterous heap of dirty clothes and a pile of visual kei magazines and some books, mostly manga, classics and some other obscure things. I finally found my copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which I've been wanting to reread for a while. I still haven't found my collection of Bram Stoker's works, however. I'm really cold and I keep shivering. I think that's a bad thing. My dad called and requested that I pick up my youngest brother and so I did, and then I went to petco. After looking through all of the fish medicines, I picked a generic, anti-parasite, anti-ick one and hoped that was what is wrong with my fish. It might just be old age. After buying a buble tea, I returned home, added some more music to my new laptop and then continued to clean. I later went to the grocery store and bought milk. My dad came home from boy scouts, very angry with me because he claims I clean nothing. Whatever. He pisses me off, a lot. As I said, today was rather boring. On the up botes, The sky was gorgeous, the sun was just beginning to peak through the rain clouds and so everything had that brigth edge that rainy days seem to lend but the sky glowed like it was on fire. I also bought a bird feeder that attaches to windows. Hopefully, the birds will find it. Hrm...not much else I can thing of to say. I'm failing at my new years resolution to be in bed by ten, up by seven and stretch every morning and excercise every night. Oh well, America could use some more obese cheerleaders.I really should learn tumblimg and get back in shape if I want to try out for college cheer, htough.
Unknown "Blossom" Feisty - 16 years, 9 months, 8 days ago

Hem at the moment, I'm juste leaving from a 4-hour Maths Exam so I'm quite exhausted...^^
Where have you been in France, apart from Paris?
Unknown "Rodoudou" - 16 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
your photo is taken in such a perfect place that it would be a crime not to buy you^^
how are you?
Unknown "Rodoudou" - 16 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
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