here i am again, life just seems to stay the same with me lately. piss off my friends that try and help, and or just remain close to me. ive reached a new level of pissing peaople off it seems without even really doing anything wrong. well sorta. let me explain. like a possible few of u ppl who read this. doubt alot of ppl read these tho, abyway on with the story.
i played elven blood and got stuck @ a nice u need more party members 2 continue. so i joined a group and blindly accepted like 40 friend invites a day. all okay. except i click accept party requests and friend invites. so i sometimes click group invites by accident. which i mostly pick up on quickly and leave the said groups as fast as i can. now adds the more crappy part of the tale. lately ive decided 2 try and meet anime loving ppl online by searching interests. a friend put me on a good trail, but i didnt figure out how 2 add more criteria yet, and as i only work online @ work i dont get much time 2 explore the options. okay got distracted. anyway...
i chat with some girl who also like anime, which one replied promptly u seem like a nice person, we have similar interists and all, but... i cant stand ppl who belong 2 groups like "fuck budism"... im like.. what?! i didnt join any.. as i looked i saw that i had in fact accidentally joined some messed up group like that, and another group i have no idea what its about. cuz i dont speak whatever language it was written in. i left both groups imidiately and checked my other groups. they are okay. i remember yesterday morning ignoring the "fuck hinduism" group. but sadly the othe hate group slipped through the elven blood group invites. well 2 b fair...
i have 2 admit that im doing the elven blood, city of blood and the other 2 i cant think of right now (all linked) groups so a few things slip through. i replied 2 her that it was an accidental join. but i doubt she will believe me and just ignore me blindly. this sucks in my opinion as i have no way of convincing her otherwise. i also made the bad move of starting with, "u wont believe me, but..." which on reflection is what lying ppl might start with, thus making it seem more likely that im lying. i just suck @ socializing with ppl.
I guess some things just stay the same, i feel im always gonna b stuck in these kind of situations, and not really have a shot at finding something rare and beautiful in the world. to me it all seems like an imperfect concrete civilization where everyone is better off.
i cant help it. really. i have bad voices in the back of my mind that keep reminding meof these things, and after so many years i cant ignore them all the time anymore. i feel afraid that someday they will confince me that they are correct. but till that day know that i intend 2 keep hope.
i can also tell that this day is coming closer. i know its way over half way here. hard 2 tell when its gonna hit. but im sure its not far away. now i know there are alot of pp out here that will try and reasure me that everything is gonna b okay some day. but please remember that im loosing grip here and that someday might b way too late.
i consider myself to b lawful even if it turns out im not. but as long as i believe myself to b lawful i will abide by certain rules. i have a rent contract with some1 4 a year, and tho this friend is yet 2 move in. im pretty much not gonna do some stupid stuff till the end of the contract. provided i keep thinking of myself as lawful. i hope this does not change.
when this friend moves in i hope 2 gain alot of experience through the process and hopefully get the strength to get myself sorted out, but this is a gamble as i could fall deeper into the darkness...
thanks 4 reading this those few that do. u must b ready 2 call the asylum or something. im just hoping... actually mayb the asylum could b fun... nevermind. well let me know of any comments or advice u have 4 me after reading this, thanks
Juandre Mellet "Fawkes" Lonely
- 16 years, 3 months, 22 days ago