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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 75000 points.



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Unknown's tales
I believe ppl can show better words than "thumb me please,help me, bla bla love me". Ya ppl, Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation, I'm merely remarking on the paradox of asking a masked man who he is to tell you think more than a spammer. ;) Viva Liberta
Unknown "☆Alf☆" Courageous - 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Due to being banned (temp. exile, Guilt Factor 20) for the use of my favourite profile pic, and likewise seeing my friends banned (completely deleted or temp. exiled) for the same issue, while watching other people who flaunt the faker rule by using a pic of someone they found on the 'net, I have reported HP to FB for Privacy Violations. The submission is as follows. ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ---------

I'm reporting the Human Pets app to Facebook for privacy violations.

Speci fically, the developer, Mr. Patrick Shyu, has stated that fake profiles are not to be tolerated. This is an acceptable requirement. However, this is enforced as any fake profile image, that is, not a facial or otherwise real image of the (a) person.

Mr. Shyu is the only person who takes action, but any individual may report a person as being fake. Mr. Shyu has then banned immediately if the image displayed is not one of a real person. There are known cases where people have been reported, displaying a false (but human) image on a fake profile, and have had no action taken; yet a false (animated, graphical) image on a real profile, and have had action taken.

The entire decision rests on a brief glimpse of the primary profile image. The HP sub-profiles themselves are not investigated. This is apparently because 'I can't have people reporting fakes all day to fill my inbox.' Admittedly, attempting to be the sole authority in a community of allegedly half a million users would be taxing. I would suggest that a change or clarfication to the definition of a fake profile is what is mandated here.

I believe this is a breach of privacy in two instances.

1. Use of such an image should never be mandated, as there are minors, and other individuals, who wish to maintain their privacy, for whatever reasons. Such individuals may not wish to have any pictures of themselves on their main FB profile at all, let alone available immediately to the entire HP app.

2. HP uses as its primary image your Facebook profile image, such that enforcing this rule in HP acts to force a change across all apps. I believe this falls outside the scope of Mr. Shyu's right to enforce.

I would seek that Mr. Shyu be informed that he cannot require people to display an image of themselves. I am also comfortable with being named as the complainant if necessary, as I have attempted to have this issue addressed with Mr. Shyu directly, without any form of adequate response (which was, specifically, 'HP just isn't the type of town for fakes.')

Many thanks for your time
Gordon ALF Shumway
(not my real name)
Unknown "☆Alf☆" Courageous - 17 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
The other tale was reversely copy pasted lol.Here is the original one.

here I'm back again.Thanks for the ones who gave a hand to save me i luv ya all.There are some people who reported me as being a "fake" STFU you the others! i have tons of original my own photos on my profile and i'm accepted with only an avatar that I made myself with the ALF headgear.Shame on the ones who blamed and accused me of being fake.

I want to face with the jealous retards who reported me as being fake.Yet there is justice ~sometimes~ I'm back with the help of the friends supported me as I am real and will always be.So what gained the others? I'm licking my thumbs for their comfort sit

I actually did an attempt to sell my hp points via paypal but as Patrick Shyu said i was banned of using a fake photo and some people reported me about that.And I know they will report me again.I'll be again banned.Weird.I read the "terms" & "privacy" to the end and there was no state that forbids selling something.Even I have many of my human alter ego photos,I was banned of being fake.What do you name it?

If it is not forbidden to sell points via paypal.then i want my points

There was a black church window when I was banned and had enough time to talk Jesus while we were having beers

I was insulted and offended and corrupted and distructed behind a church window when I was banned.And I'm not a christian nun.I was categorized and listed and blamed of being a christian nun behind a church window.Where are my lawyers?

Unknown "☆Alf☆" Courageous - 17 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
I was insulted and offended and corrupted and distructed behind a church window when I was banned.And I'm not a christian nun.I was categorized and listed and blamed of being a christian nun behind a church window.Where are my lawyers?
There was a black church window when I was banned and had enough time to talk Jesus while we were having beers
If it is not forbidden to sell points via paypal.then i want my points
I actually did an attempt to sell my hp points via paypal but as Patrick Shyu said i was banned of using a fake photo and some people reported me about that.And I know they will report me again.I'll be again banned.Weird.I read the "terms" & "privacy" to the end and there was no state that forbids selling something.Even I have many of my human alter ego photos,I was banned of being fake.What do you name it Dex?
I want to face with the jealous retards who reported me as being fake.Yet there is justice ~sometimes~ I'm back with the help of the friends supported me as I am real and will always be.So what gained the others? I'm licking my thumbs for their comfort sit.
here I'm back again.Thanks for the ones who gave a hand to save me i luv ya all.There are some people who reported me as being a "fake" STFU you the others! i have tons of original my own photos on my profile and i'm accepted with only an avatar that I made myself with the ALF headgear.Shame on the ones who blamed and accused me of being fake.
Unknown "☆Alf☆" Courageous - 17 years, 2 months, 12 days ago

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Gone Livin
hey Gordon longtime :)
Gone Livin "past self" Bye Hp:] With <3 2 Close Frie - 16 years, 21 days ago
Christopher Johnson
Mr Shumway - its good to see you!
Christopher Johnson "Evil 4" Dangerous - 16 years, 22 days ago
Mrs Grimes
Yo ALF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
Mrs Grimes
How's things.x.x.x
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
Mrs Grimes
Hello ALF...X
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 17 years, 3 days ago
A snack for self
You have been given A snack.
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Unknown "☆Alf☆" Courageous - 17 years, 16 days ago
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