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Unknown owns this human at 16293 points.

"Saku chan~¤"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Manga Lovers Unite!!!!, Sukie's Thumb Plantation
Herds: ANIME LOVERS, Mission: Impossible, Chelle's Thumbstop, Love Anime, ::-herdlove-::
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"~Mr. Curlz~"
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"The Toy Master"
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"*~Moon Light~*"
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Unknown's tales
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Hey! I just re-did my shop! New items and low prices!! Please come and check it out! :) Thanks!

Unknown Unknown
Unknown "Saku chan~¤" Adventurous - 16 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
Rune Castle Legend Part 5:

He quickly stood back up and looked again to make sure that what he saw was true then he turned to the girl, but she had vanished. He stood there silent for a moment then decided to break the window and get in. He was just about to leap threw the window when he noticed for the first time the guards in the room watching the prisoners. So he stopped and began to think to himself,
'What am I going to do? I can't take down three or more armed guys.........ah ha!'
He had looked up and saw light coming from the roof of the cave. So he climbed up a tree which was right next to the cave wall and hopped onto the roof. He found where the light he saw was coming from, it was a sky light.
'Yes! Luck is on my side! It's only about a ten foot drop into the cave I can do that easily! I should poke my head in first though just to make sure there aren't any guards.'
So he lowered his head into the hole and looked around the room. It wasn't the room he saw through the window, but it was clear so he jumped in.
He say a door at the far side of the room so he opened it. He looked inside and saw Katie and the young man.
"Katie!" he cried. Katie tried to answer back, but she couldn't threw her gag.
"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here! I also get the other guy out to!" So he ran over to them and began to untie them. He first untied Katie and removed her gag. As soon as he had done this Katie started scream, "Run!!! They know your here and there afte-" Katie's sentence was cut short by a knife thrown in there direction. Nathan grabbed Katie and they both dodged it safely.
After a moment Nathan looked up to see there attacker. There was a woman and a man standing before them, both wearing black. The woman smiled and bent down to them on the ground and said,
"We have been looking for you Nathan, the only boy we've never captured that has stepped foot in the runes.

To be continued..................
Unknown "Saku chan~¤" Adventurous - 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
Hey Everyone!
I know I haven't been on consistently for a really long time now. I've been studying for and taking my CAHSEE's (California High School Exit Exams). T-T I have finally finished testing so I should be on a lot more.... Well there is still STAR testing.... but thats something I'm not going to worry about :P So I hope I didn't blow anyone off in the past month or so and if I did I'm really SORRY!!! :(
Unknown "Saku chan~¤" Adventurous - 17 years, 10 days ago
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!! I hope your day was full of happiness and love! :)
Unknown "Saku chan~¤" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
Rune Castle Legend Part 4:

He looked up at the small girl in shock and in anger and said,
"You did take them didn't you?"
The girl looked scared and shook her head.
"Then who did?!" Nathan asked.
The girl lifted up her other hand and pointed towards the forest which he had just came from to get there. Then she reached to grab his hand. He flinched away instently.
"I don't understand what you want from me.... I still don't trust you that much. Can you speak?"
The girl shook her head sadly.
"Do you know where where the missing poeple are?"
The girl nodded and pointed in the same direction again.
"You can take me there?!" Nathan asked with hope.
Once again the girl nodded and started walking in the direction she was pointing. Nathan followed.

After awhile they were deep into the forest. There wasn't a sound except for Nathan's foot steps and the wind blowing thew the trees now and again. Nathan was still horribly confuesed about everything, expecially about the ghost in front of him and where they were going. Suddenly they could hear the sound of metal and whips.
"What that sound?" asked Nathan worried.
The girl stopped and turned around to look sadly at him. She tried to say something, but couldn't so they began walking again toward the noises.
A little later they reached a cave with a door in the front of it.
"This is really odd!!" Nathan whispered in shock.
The girl nodded and continued walking. They went around the door and followed the outside wall of the cave for a really long time. Finally, the reached what looked like to be a window. The girl stopped and pointed at the window. Nathan understanding what the girl wanted him to do looked threw the window. He looked and fell back in shock. For inside the cave he saw Katie and a young man trapped behind bars.

To be continued.....
Unknown "Saku chan~¤" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
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lol hey.
I don't come on often..>.< If not at all. So I thought I'd give you all my points by buying from your shop xP
You're now +80,000 points lol
Unknown "*~Chu~*" Feisty - 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
oh the hey there from Nez is awesome... cute.
You have been given THE LOOK.
Crafted by Unknown
Svava "уσяυι¢нι" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
not living anymore

You have been given Hey There!.
Crafted by Unknown
not living anymore Just My heart hurts:( - 16 years, 2 months, 23 days ago

You have been given Bring you a world.
Crafted by Arthur
Svava "уσяυι¢нι" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
Michael Draves
Hey, I really like your flowers in your shop [:
You have been given White Rose.
Crafted by Unknown
Michael Draves "sweet mike" Emo - 16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #1350) *fissioned* You have been fissioned
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
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*~Sakura-chan's Goody Shop~*

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