- 16 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
0 it s0 g00d t0 see y0u 0n1ine, 1ife has been cha0tic , y0u have been 0n my mind here and there i've w0ndered and w0rried ab0ut y0u , h0w are things w0rking 0ut f0r y0u these days? hugs*
y0u have the eyes t0 see, 0r a10t 0f prana energy in y0ur heart, i'11 exp1ain f0r its a scientific thing f0r psychic abi1ities,i d0n't kn0w what it is but in studies many psychics have it 0r th0se that are ath1etic wi11 f0r a s0rt time,bec0me psychic due t0 extreme excercise, it s0rt 0f shakes up the prana, its a bi0 chemica1 thing that i use t0 kn0w the name s0mething 1ike urianium45 0r s0mething strange 1ike that if i find 01d n0tes i'11 1et y0u kn0w, why i'm te11ing y0u these scientific this is s0 y0u kn0w its n0t s0 superstiti0us 0n1y t0 th0se that d0n't understand , there is many things kn0wn ab0ut the paran0rma1 just n0t c0mm0n kn0w1ege t0 the wide pub1ic, f0r exsamp1e its 1ike a cave man seeing a tv f0r the first time they c0u1d perceive it as magic 0r s0mething evi1, this spirit that haunts y0u was it 0n1y in y0ur h0use 0r due y0u fee1 it f0110ws y0u, i had the same thing with n0t being ab1e t0 m0ve ,many psychics 1ike sy1via br0wn wi11 say its y0ur 0wn astra1 b0dy, i think this is true but i fee1 n0t in every case this is true f0r when i c0u1d happened t0 me pers0na11y i w0u1d here s0mehting ta1king t0 me, and gr0w1ing at me, n0t 0n1y did i hear it but th0se s1eeping next d00r w0u1d hear it t00, s0 i kn0w it wasn't just my astra1 spirit but s0mething was in the r00m with me, 0 i wish i wasn't s0 drained t0day s0 i'11 have t0 1eave y0u with this f0r the time being and i wish y0u a w0nderfu1 weekend, and i wi11 say a pray t0 he1p y0u with y0ur m0ney pr0b1ems, s0mething thing that may he1p is t0 wear s0mething red, red is a c010r 0f attracti0n s0 maybe carrying y0ur m0ney in s0mething red we11 attract m0re m0ney t0 y0u, h0pe this he1ps : hugs and we1c0me t0 my friendship~ david
y0u have a10t 0f exsperince in y0ur eyes as th0u y0u've seen a10t: i'm rea11y drained at the m0ment but i'd tried reading y0ur energies hmm i see a number in y0ur aura strange i never seen anything 1ike that, it 100ks 1ike a 610 0r a 810?