I love you.
You know me as a stranger, you glance over me on the street, on the bus.
I always have a faint smile.
You see me often, you think nothing of it.
But I want you to know, I love you.
When I bumped into you the other day and left without saying sorry, I was too shy.
I was afraid you'd give me a disgusted look.
But I want you to know, I'm sorry.
I thought you'd talk to me one day, I waited.
You never looked me over twice, I lost hope.
But I want you to know, I love you.
So next time you see me, please give me a smile.
I'll be nervous and look away, but just before,
You'll see a faint smile.
That smile will mean the start of something special.
And every day, at night, I will think of you.
And fap.
Evan Eevee Hsu "Stinky Radish. " Injured
- 16 years, 21 days ago