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Name: |
Unknown, 42/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 4:23 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 6 months, 5 days ago |
Location: | Drumheller, Alberta Canada
"You know you wanna love me" |
About me:
I'm single, 25, and the mother of an incredibly cute 7 year old boy who, even though e drives me nuts, I wouldn't trade for all the diamonds in the world. I've mellowed out since my teenage years, but can still be wild and crazy when I'm in the mood. I'm picky, irritable, and most often called a "Bitch". I just thank them for the compliment. I'm pretty open and honest; I'll generally tell you the truth. I'm always open to meeting new people, and sometimes, I wind up friends with the most unlikely candidates. I like to talk, plain and simple. I'll talk to anyone who will listen and talk back, even if we're just arguing.
About you:
I'd like to meet someone who atleast knows the definition of honesty and occasionally, if not usually, tries to follow that definition. Someone who's loyal, but not to a fault. Someone who does not want to spend an entire conversation talking about sex, cause I'm not interested. Alcoholics and addicts need not apply
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Bi
| Herds: | Graham's Pride, Alicia's Paradise, Alicia's Thumbs, $$$POT$$ OF$$ GOLD$$$ |
"Sexy Sista"
20000 pts
"Reesie Poo"
1000 pts
"Princess Brat"
50 pts
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Unknown's tales
The words “I love you” Are more often spoken in the heat of passion Or in the form of a lie Than they are spoken in truth between kindred spirits Those dangerous, dazzling Three little words May as well be the longest words In the English language They have the amazing power To make grown women faint dead away And make grown men cry and shiver They are spoken with words that take many different forms Said with a gesture, a look between two people Who can not keep a smile from there face when those immortal words Are said from lips that are meant to be forever kissed with loving kisses These three little words Make new lives in many different ways, and they break hearts. How fortunate I am that those words spoken From my soul mate, my A Ghrá. This poem is Copyrighted by myself, Lindsey McLean
Unknown Tired
- 16 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
It's hard to believe that 7 years have officially gone by since Alex was born. 7 years ago as of Saturday, February 23, my life changed when a little red life came into this world. Now... he's not so little. 7 years ago I was cuddling an 8 pound sleeping newborn and praying for just 1 more hour of sleep. Now, I'm still praying for that extra hour of sleep, but he's just to big to cuddle. It's just not cool to cuddle with mom anymore. Truth be told, I miss having a little one in the house. I mean a really little one. Someone that actually needs me for more than grabbing a cup from the top shelf. I don't think it's in the cards for me though. So, I'll continue to watch Alex get bigger until he leaves and has a life, a family of his own. There's always grand kids, right?
Unknown Tired
- 17 years, 10 days ago
My nephew arrived on Sunday, January 27th. He's the cutest little thing. He's so tiny, only 5 pounds, 15 ounces. His name, Dannie Alan. It's hard to believe that my brother's a daddy now. I have alot of faith that he will be a great dad to Dannie. And if not, I'll rip his arm off and beat him with it til he smartens up. It's also hard to believe that it's been nearly 7 years since my own monster was a cute little newborn. Makes me feel so old some days. My brothers and sisters (all younger than me) are all having kids, there all starting there own families. Guess the birth of a new baby is always reason for a sentimental note.
Unknown Tired
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
i'm sitting here wondering where this life is taking me. i'm wondering about the choices i've made, the people i've loved and lost, and the places i want to go. wondering if i have the courage to make the hard decisions i need to make and the strength to follow through. i'm wondering if i trust enough or too little. so many questions, to many unanswered. many more will stay unanswered.
Unknown Tired
- 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
tied to the bed like a saint on the cross he sleeps a drug induced sleep does he dream? or see nothing but the dark? he is my son not quite two years yet i ask daily when they will wake him up they always tell me... maybe tomorrow he sleeps his drug induced sleep i stay by his side try to be strong and try not to cry the tubes go in and out he is now but skin and bone a shadow of the child he was before the doctors put him under This poem is Copyrighted by myself. Lindsey McLean
Unknown Tired
- 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
Random Things for Random Lives
A whole lot of different things at a great price! Come one come all!
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