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"Turn Up the A/C"
"Turn Up the A/C"
13657 pts
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Unknown's tales
Here's a sad story. My internet's down until somewhere around Monday (I think). We'll see. Until that time, the only way I'll be online is at work or the library. So...we'll see. I miss everyone that I talk to on a frequent basis. You should all miss me, too.
Unknown "Turn Up the A/C" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
Read the funniest thing in the world today. Someone was asking what "skeet, skeet" means and this is one of the replies they got: "Skeet" is actually a form of birth control practiced by the African-American tribes of North America near the beginning of the 21st Centruy. Visionaries of the time (such as Lil Jon and Nelly) recognized the inevitable and everpresent danger of overpopulation in their land and decided to take action. They discovered an ancient form of birth control used by their ancestors that involved "pulling out and shooting" (much like skeet shooting) during sexual intercourse, as to not impregnate the female, or "biatch". The visionaries spread the word the only way they knew how: rap music. People would listen to the songs of the visionaries during ritual smoking ceremonies and chant "skeet skeet skeet!". Every tribe of their kind in the land listened to rap music and the idea of skeeting quickly gained in popularity. Soon, the entire African-American tribe had done its part to offset the effects of overpopulation through generations of skeeting on the women that they did not wish to impregnate. However, the other tribes of the land (most notabley, the Whites and Mexicans) did not support the "Skeet Movement". They continued to grow in number until the Whites eventually ate the Mexicans. The Whites, however, refused to eat the African-Americans for fear of sickle cell anemia, so they all got on a very large boat and went back to England. (Source: Urbandictionary.com) That just made my day.
Unknown "Turn Up the A/C" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
I wanna go be obnoxious and attack Jaybelene in bed to wake her up. I think I'll take a camera with me so I can get a new picture, too. lol. So here's my plan: Bust down Jaybe's door, jump in her bed, and when she opens her eyes snap a quick shot, and run like hell! 'cuz seriously, that girl gets crazy. Wish me luck. =)
Unknown "Turn Up the A/C" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
So I'm in Sacramento visiting family today. And my cousin Jaybelene had a dentist appointment. So I went with her. and we ended up catching a wild duck. NO JOKE! We brought it home...and named it Leonard. I'll take a picture if I can find a camera. But yeah, it was pretty great. Oh, and Jaybelene forgot how to spell her name. lol. What a dumbass!
Unknown "Turn Up the A/C" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
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