I have enough friends that are true friends.... I don't need pretend friends. The ones that just come around when it suits them. I have my family and i have my friends....
Unknown "~GORGEOUS~" Frisky
- 17 years, 26 days ago
Being friends with him was a mistake, i am not going to be a back burner friend, when everything goes wrong, when your little girlfriend dumps you then i will be good enough again. No kind of love is worth that....
Unknown "~GORGEOUS~" Frisky
- 17 years, 26 days ago
I have met alot of people throughout my life and some have touched my life, and others just played games with my head and my heart. At least i found out what kind of friend they really are. I am done with being a friend with people that only want a friend when it is good enough for them. My feelings and my heart aren't a game, and i am not going to be played with anymore.
Unknown "~GORGEOUS~" Frisky
- 17 years, 26 days ago