last few days .. well alright i meant weeks,
just after we got to know that he has to fly to taiwan for some military operation and mission.
We've been tryin to spend every single minute together.
And every other day, well okay every time as long as he gets to leave camp, we'd be talking, irritating, tickiling and basically being plain silly, spendin hours in each others arms throguhout the night, till we fall asleep just to realise we forgot to switch the lights off, the next morning.
finally the day came...
went shopping for clothes(i really dont have any, then he points to the unfolded pile of clothes left on the floor) GOT SOME DONUTS(really if we were queieing people would have thought im the one who want them donuts but really.. we went to two places just to get the flavor he wanted)changed cash to taiwan dollars yadayada
and 0100hours came on april fool's day( the only time id get to irritate the shit out of him and ould blame circumstance so that he wouldnt be pissed) he had to leave for taiwan.
Standing at a corner, speakin to his collegues " hi , you must be shawn's gf , hear alot about you.. really ALOT! then the handshakes),laughing .talks bout him...
id peer over my shoulders to see him trying to get everything in order.
being in charge(he was the planing officer) aint all that rosy , cause that would mean the responsibility is bigger..
and boy did i eat my heart out ( just thinkin of how true that phrase it)
cause here was, hundreds of soldiers(the normal recruits and corporals with the exeptions of some sergeants) all having fun like it was some sort of vacations, high-fiving their mates, takin photos that would shy away possibily any photographers that might have been there.
then there were those spendin time with their girlfriend , huggin,kissing and one even runnin around the terminal refusing to let her boyfriend to check in .. which resultd in an argument..
and there was my baby, running around , constant phonecalls.
conducting briefings to other packet leaders . issueing stuffs yadayada yada.
he would time and again,come over to kiss me, apologising for not being able to spend time with me(who was by then reading all the advertisements in the airpor0-even those on the trolleys)
rubs my back, plants a kiss on my forehead then scoots again to conduct briefings or to settle some stuffs..
comes back, pick up a file from the bags he left in my care , hugs me and disappears in crowd of mens...
and finally when he had time to spend with me after having his packet leaders to bring to men into th transit mall, he brings me out for a ciggarette.. he got a phonecall..- POOF- his gone again.. and when he came back , it was time to check in, walked him to the departure gate..hugged for the longest time ever, tear welling up.. (must control, he said officer's wife cannot cry.. but IM HUMAN TOO!!) ..
he kissed my forehead , take a few steps and waved and i turned around and walked ..
minutes later he called-said he turned around and couldnt find me there...(went into a cab and cried) arghh i hate good byes
but even thought he didnt get to spend the last few minutes together properly..
Theres' huge pride i have for him. im proud of him cause he's doing someting important, he's being depended on, he leads,he's in charge,he in control and okay .. when people greets him sir especially when walk by his side.but anyways it something that he'd always have the support from me and im sure everyone else. cause he makes us prod
Ive hear of snide remarks of officer doing nothing but ordering others to do stuffs , theres nothign great about being one ..
but infact i beg to differ. It is something im hugely proud of him.
But im proud not just because he is an officer and someone in high ranking position in the army but because im extremely proud that my baby..doesnt take advantage of it , he works hard and smart for it. someone who truly is a leader.
Someone who not only behaves but also posseses the qualitites of an officer .. so course im proud to call him mine .. muahaha
i love you sir!
love - ma'am
but right now im SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICASPHIALODOSCIOULY missin my boyfriend!
and its only been 11 hours?
Unknown "★Louis's" Crazy
- 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago