Okay ..... this is it!!! I am reaching desperate measures!!!!!! KEVIN .....umm .... I mean SUPERMAN ............. fetch!!!! ....no, not the stick Angel the man ....JOHN!!!! He has requested meaningful conversation ....and both you and Dee know that I am truly a very quiet reserved woman by nature ....so perhaps I should invite a few friends along to entice our wonderful JOHN out of wherever he is hiding ..... .........or maybe SUPERMAN can just slap him about a little and remind him of his manners
- 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
Dear John Ze ladies are getting very desperate me thinks You must cum at once Or face the magnificent wrath of the two very most lovely ladies on planet Earth
- 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago
LMAO Dee.... a girl can only try so hard ..... I'll have to try something new!!! Ummmmm...... ... hysteria has set in!!! ...I need reinforcements!!!! Now things are looking BLEAK!!!!!
- 16 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
lol..Ann I owned him for a while...but set him free eventually......still no action from this side.....ROFL