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"Lil Green Gem"
"Lil Green Gem"
23153 pts
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Unknown's tales
Dear All, I am sorry i have been away for so long. I will now explain and justify my absence... Basically, there i was just doing my thaaaang... chilling with my other lettucey friends... when wo and behold a huge knife should cut me in half... well i did not know what to do at all! And then before you know it. I'm all chopped up... into little strands... luckily whilst this giant was cutting me up... i was doing a little wriggling around on the board... HAHAHAHA the silly cow ended up cutting herself... as she went to fetch a plaster i pulled what i could of myself together and hid in a bowl for what seemed like an eternity... and then fortunately for me someone opened the fridge door and i managed to wriggle out of my bowl and just fell down into the crisper.... Fantastic, finally a doctor came to visit me and after a hell of a load of stitches i am finally back in one piece and better than ever. Thanks for listening!
Unknown "Lil Green Gem" Frisky
- 17 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
I am a Lil Green Gem... You can have me in a salad, in a sandwich, with your main meal, or as a starter, I even go with jacket potatoes...
Unknown "Lil Green Gem" Frisky
- 17 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
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