To all of those guys who keep asking for sex... Freeking stop it's really anoing. If you want sex talk to someone else cuse i dont do that crap. Kapeesh!!!
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Carefree
- 16 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
I’m told that I have the beauty of an angel but I never can believe what they say. Because in my eyes I can always be more beautiful. It’s a shitty thing to believe I know but I look all around me and I could never be as beautiful as the flowers, sunsets, colors of the changing leaves, and mountains. I could never be more beautiful than anything that is ignored by people everyday. But not all people ignore all the wonders of the world. Many see it everyday, others see it sometimes but this is mainly to the ones who never see. Open your eyes; look around there is a lot for you to see out there. There are more than cars, buildings, and people. So look for those places they are some of the best places out there.
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Carefree
- 17 years, 8 days ago
y cant weeeeeee be friends, y cant weeeeeee be friends, y cant weeeeeee be friends, why cant weeeee beeee friends?
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Carefree
- 17 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
When my hart heels I'll truly be happy.
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Carefree
- 17 years, 2 months, 12 days ago