The Kitty That Flew Away
There once was a kitten who was lost in the world, young, loving, and naive.
He showed affection everywhere he went, but was greeted only with irritation and intolerance. The poor kitten didn't understand why the world didn't like him so much. One day a gang of people surrounded him, they weren't like the other people, they circled him, grinning, they threw rocks at him, laughed, and jeered.
Frightened the kitten ran for cover, and to his misfortune, beneath a patio where these mean people pursued him, and found an idol hose. The kitten became soaked, and was washed from side to side, in a world of misery. When the people finally became tired of torturing the poor creature, they left him in the freezing winter cold...
The kitten weakly left the cover of the patio and came out to greet the bite of Winter's jaws. Slowly and painfully the kitten moved out, and along came another person. Frightened, the kitten attempted to run for cover, but before long the huge behemoth had scooped him up and taken him into the building they seemed to be closing up. It was nice to be dry... but the person merely threw him in a cage, turned off the light, and left him there without food or water...
Exhausted, cold, hungry, and disheartened, the kitten closed his eyes.
The night was hardly short, and with many frightening noises throughout the night, and the rustling of the other animals in the room, it was hardly comforting. From behind:
"Wh-Who are you?" The frightened voice was of another kitten among a sea of eyes behind.
"I am Jesifer. I was loved once, but now I am abandoned."
"I am Misery... I have never been loved... and this is now the only home I know..."
Another kitten stepped forward, "I am Goeff, I was also loved once..."
Another, "I am Herrsink, I also... was once loved..."
Soon enough, more came forth, paying tribute to the enormity of the cage...
"I am Leon, I was lost, found, then abandoned..."
"I am Eryn... I was loved... then stolen... abused and escaped..."
"I am Turruk, I have never known the comfort of a loving home."
"I have no name, but was called Yuri where I came from. I too was loved once."
To my surprise... my cagemates all were timeless tributes to perseverance, to the will to live, love, and care for the ones the love. Through the rest of the night, we told our tales of love, misfortune, abuse, and daring escape.
None present wasn't heard, and with much patience we came to the dawn.
When the clock in the room struck 12 noon, the man I remember came into the hall, smirking... he filled bowls enough for one of each of the animals in each cage, and as the light illuminated the room, the cages lit up with the distressed and disheartened faces of many animals. The hall seemed filled endlessly unto eternity.
I did see the sunlight behind some piled boxes but no more than that, a mere trickle. When the man went about 'feeding' us, he left, and watching as the door closed... stairs...
The lights suddenly turned off... and the room went quiet. I asked Leon what was going on, and he replied, "The owner of this store is a cheapskate. He doesn't waste energy, or money on anything."
Out of naivety, I asked, "What's a store?"
Leon hesitated, obviously surprised I hadn't heard of such a place. "It's where humans sell us for money, money is what they trade for more valuable things like food, and stuff."
"Do they eat us?"
He sufficed an amused grin, "No, not us... we are for their amusement!"
Turruk spoke excitedly, "I've found something!"
Everyone turned and sped to where he was, and in relieved awe, everyone became joyed by the discovery.
"I knew one existed! I knew it! A hole in the ground! A hole! Freedom is within our grasp!"
More to come...
Unknown Loving
- 17 years, 1 month, 19 days ago