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"I don't EXIST"

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Unknown's tales
Ode: Phases of Acceptance of a Common Mistake.

Pleasant girl who knows not of "business, love, or strife"
Run your fingers through everything's simplicity
Float down across the timid valley to
A soft pool of water, tiny fragrant cups turned up, drifting
Subtle white contrasting with deep clear blue
Its innocent banks flowing with sweet ignorance
Wade through its kind waters without realizing
The limitations of such a pure scene

Oh! Simple child how could you not fathom
The sudden end to your ephemeral naivety
This moment was one of your choosing, but
Unequipped with wisdom on how to choose
Oh, how could that moment end such sweet revelry?
A few minutes, neither of us care to remember
Not much to show for your effort
But the absence of my purity.

It's uncanny how the child did return
But in the confusion raised by the irrevocable change
You become somewhat small again. But only
In your helplessness, and you caught a glimpse of that pool
Muddy with your mistake. Tiny cups flowed with tears,
Mourning, but alas its a Wake. The strife you feel
So heartfelt; leaves you open for love unfelt
Since that prior attachment you learned
To keep your business straight

street kreds to me.. lol and to kokochex's ode assignment
Unknown "I don't EXIST" Wild - 17 years, 9 days ago
The Life Span.

AFTER God had created the world and was about to determine the life span of each and every creature, the ass came to him and asked,
"Lord, how long am I to live?"
"Thirty years," answered God. "Is that all right with you?"
"Oh, Lord," replied the ass, "that's a long time. Just consider the hard life I lead. From morning to night I carry heavy loads, drag sacks of grain into the mill so that others can eat bread, and I'm given nothing but blows and kicks to keep me fresh and cheerful. I ask you to relieve me of part of this long time."
God took pit on him and relieved him of eighteen years. The ass felt consoled and went away. Then the dog appeared.
"How long do you want to live?" God asked him. "Thirty years were too many for the ass, but I think you'll be content with that."
"Lord, is that your will? Just consider how much I must run. My feet will never be able to hold out that long. And once my voice for barking and my teeth for biting are gone, I'll just about be able to run from one corner to another and growl."
God saw that the dog was right and relieved him of twelve years of his life. Next came the monkey.
"You'll certainly want to live thirty years, won't you?" the Lord asked him. "You don't have to work like the ass and the dog, and you're always in good spirits."
"Oh, Lord," he answered, "it just looks that way, but it's not so. Even when times are good, I just get to scrape the bottom of the barrel. I'm always supposed to perform merry pranks and make faces. Yet, whenever they had me an apple and I bite into it, it's sour. My mirth only masks my sadness. I'll never be able to endure all this for thirty years."
God was merciful and took away then years of his life. Finally, a man appeared. He was joyful, healthy, and vigorous, and he asked God to determine his life span.
"You shall live thirty years," the Lord said. "Is that good enough for you?"
"What a short time!" exclaimed man. "Imagine, when I've built my house and the fire is burning on my own hearth, when I've planted trees that blossom and bear fruit, and when I"m just getting ready to enjoy life, I'll have to die! Oh, Lord, give me more time."
"I shall add on the eighteen years of the ass," God said.
"That's not enough," replied man.
"You shall also have the twelve years of the dog."
"Still too little."
"Very well then," said God. "I shall even give you the ten years of the monkey, but nothing more."
The man went away, but he was not satisfied.
So man lives seventy years. The first thirty are his human years, which pass by rapidly. This is the time when he is healthy and cheerful, works with pleasure and is glad to be alive. After this period come the eighteen years of the ass, when one burden after the next is laid upon him. He must carry the grain that nourishes others, and he receives blows and kicks as reward for his faithful service. Then come the the twelve years of the dog, when he lies in a corner, growls, and has no more teeth with which to bite. And when this period is over, the ten years of the monkey round out his life. Then man becomes soft in the head and foolish, does silly things, and becomes the laughingstock of children.
Unknown "I don't EXIST" Wild - 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
The Peasant in Heaven.

ONCE upon a time a poor, pious peasant died and arrived at the gate to heaven. At the same time, a very rich man showed up and wanted to enter heaven too. Then Saint Peter came with a key, opened the gate, and let the rich man in. Apparently he did no see the peasant there and shut the gate again. Soon the peasant could hear from outside how the rich man was welcomed with great joy into heaven and how they played music and sang. Finally, it became quiet again, and Saint Peter came, opened the gate to heaven, and let the peasant in. The peasant asked Saint Peter why nobody had sung for him the way they had for the rich man. It seemed to him that things were exactly the same in heaven as they had been on earth, where certain people were favored.
"Not at all," said Saint Peter. "You're just as dear to us as anybody else, and you are entitled to all the heavenly joys just as much as the rich man. But, look, poor fellows like you come to heaven every day, while a rich man like this one comes to us only once in a hundred years."
Unknown "I don't EXIST" Wild - 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
The Ungrateful Son.

ONCE a man and his wife were sitting by the entrance of their house. They had a roasted chicken in front of them and were about to eat it when the man saw his father coming toward them. So the man quickly grabbed the chicken and hid it because he did not want to give him any. The old man came, had a drink, and went away. As the son reached to put the roasted chicken back on the table, he found that it had turned into a toad, which then sprang onto his face, sat there, and would not leave him. If anyone tried to take it off, the toad would look at the person viciously as if it wanted to spring right into his face too. So nobody dared touch it. And the ungrateful son had to feed the toad every day; otherwise, it would have eaten away part of his face. Thus the son wandered about the world without a moment of rest.
Unknown "I don't EXIST" Wild - 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago

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Alexander Graesser
random comment #516) *steamed* You have been steamed
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
how's middle-earth Arendain
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken journeying to Mordor.
Unknown "Beautiful" Loving - 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago

You have been given Adrien Brody's nose.
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Unknown "Petite Biche" Carefree - 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
You have been given huggles on your dick.. clark.
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Unknown "Petite Biche" Carefree - 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
Ahahahahahahaha! That made my night. ;]
Unknown "Mista J" Cheeky - 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
bad luck ;)
Unknown "yeti" Serene - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
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Ray Ray's 2nd Hand Shop

blahh lazy face! look at it yourself

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