Will men ever admit to becoming emotional ???
Most males I know of will hold in any thought of showing emotion as not being macho or not in keeping with the male persona they are trying to project.
Some men, in fact too many have taken this practice so far that they are totally incapable of having an emotional thought in their life... oh they will say all the words if it means they will get something (usually some women to believe them).
Luckily there are many men who if not overtly showing it are actually emotional inside. If women want this from a man to a degree, for gods sake tell them it is ok to be emotional on occasion, let them know it's ok to feel something whist watching a film or having chat.
Don't expect floods of tears if bambi dies again but if they show sympathy encourage it a little rather than denounce as not enough.
Anyway I for one will freely admit I get emotional at most stupid of moments.
Just watched Dances with wolves which makes me a combination of angry and sad.
I also watched Karate Kid II which just got me all emotional with pride at various points... never thought it would do that to me.
Ok this could all be because I am mentally screwed up in some way, or just too honest...
Answers on a postcard.. :)
Unknown "crazy ~one " Peaceful
- 16 years, 6 months, 21 days ago