Twin Soul
I have walked this earth for thousands
of years yearning to find the one, The
one who can see when I am alone and
lost, the one who can say and do what
I want to say and do without having to
ask me what I need. The one who knows
my every thought even if I do not tell
them what is on my mind.
Will I ever find this person? Do I already
know this person? Does this person know
me? I lay awake at nights wondering if
I will ever find my twin soul. Never
knowing if they are with in my reach or
half way around the world.
I walk through my world of darkness
studying each face that passes my
eyes never being able to see beneath the
surface of the souls that have entered and
left my life. Will I ever find this person?
Will I find the one? Will I ever find my
twin soul?
Justin Walker "Shadow Jaguar" Trusting
- 16 years, 8 months, 24 days ago