How do people turn on people in times of meaningfulness and... I can't think of the word... umm...
Yes, this is stream of thought... sorta...
damn... can't think...
I have this slight chill in my chest. You know the one that creeps up under your heart and is ice cold. It's a dull version of what I remember fear feeling like when I was a child.
Damn word. Not exposed... *sigh*
Um.... weak to strike... exposed... um... access to sensitive places.. not exposed, but something else. Something that sounds weak. Vulnerable!
How does someone who is suppose to be concerned with you take your time of being vulnerable and turns on it like a curred dog? How. I don't understand... I can't get a fucking sign of recognition for shit. Like I was as effective as a fucking newspaper from last week at maintaining some vague sense of importance! I don't get it.
I am out of sight and so out of mind...
I understand hy women get psycho on guys for kicking them to the curb with little to no concern as to how they landed.
I was even there, trying to discuse the best way, in which I could be kicked to the curb and sustain the least amount of injury. It more or less became clear I was not going to be tossed out with care...
...that I am to be forgotten.
I don't know.
Just times like this, I wish people respected just how fucking unstable... how twisted they make people. If I did as I feell I want to do, I would be the villian. I would be the bad guy... why is it that no one will take a man on the rocks seriously when they are close to the edge? Why? Why seed a cruel sense of loss in a person with nothing left to lose? At some point... that person is going to refuse to lose...
So... I am an athiest.... and in my contemplation of certain things, I became aware that I am also an existentialist. And in that moment, I asked myself why I was alive and could not come up with an answer...
...everyone around me is fake or unattatched. Or I am unattached to them. No one calls unless they want something for themself. Then some even act like they are there for me to get something for themself. Those are the people I would like to pass a law for a death sentence. I am a greatly embittered person. Years of daily lies to ones soul will do that to you. You might say, "Hey, you're not being yourself... " Oh, but I am. I try to be a nice and good person for you, the humble veiwer... but in truth, I find that no one is up to salt to have my kinder side anymore... the only kindness is only given anonymously, so that the person showing it is not obligated to give anymore should they not want to.. yes, that would be those of you on-line. You see, its easy to say you are there for someone that isn't actually there... with you. But the closer they person gets, seemingly the further and more wrecklessly they push away... I'm not even sure I can believe in any good for anyone... we all die and in that time of death we disburse, loosing our identity as we do and thus failing to exist anymore, except in as long as someone can remember you. Sure, someone can document their life to a t and what not, but what use is it if it won't be seen...
...I see a future where everyone is doing just as I am doing now... writing thier thoughts and thus their confirmation to existance on a computer... yet they fail to continue anyways because with everyone doing it, no one person is special in doing it, and thus the words of your life become just as substancial as the dust your corpse will crumble to... I guess I do understand why others are so disconcerned with whether or not they are hurting each other.
...doesn't mean I like it
Unknown Purring
- 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago