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"Old Woman"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Middle Night Sky Spirit

"My Lil Girl"
1176 pts
"Old Woman"
50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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Really... It's been forever since I wrote on this.
But I've had a couple folks on here ask how I've been.
Sooo... SSDD mostly. Been through a lot lately. Nothing really to pin point just general mayhem and not the good kind.

Let's see here... I like Virginia Ham.
Ok yes that was random but not if you know me. If you know me you'll see how that ties in with what i mentioned in the opening there. [chuckles]
As Forrest Gump said, "And thas all I got to say bout that."
Unknown "Old Woman" Unwell - 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
Wow... I suppose I should be flattered that people (weird unknown people) keep buying me... And for such high prices no less...
But some how I just feel... "Eeek! Strange peoples buying me... RUN AWAY!!! HIDE!!!"
Especially when they're male.
I really don't get this game I guess. I know we're supposed to get out there and well... Play with others... But I don't play well with others. I have a small circle of those I know and trust and the rest of the world is pretty much some place I don't really feel comfortable being around. For a lot of reasons. None of which I'm really likely to share with them (the rest of the world). The only reason I keep my profile 'open to the public' is because I'm looking for a couple people. But I'm thinking this game is not the place to find them. oi. [hides]
Unknown "Old Woman" Unwell - 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
Heh so far you prolly think all I can write it crappy sappy emo poetry huh. Not so. I Do have other writing skills. Some are actually not half bad. Though my spelling Still sucks. And when I'm tired/depressed/just plain damned lazy, my caps go buhbye. *chuckles*
I'm also a mistress of the rp. Plus it helps that I'm from a long line of liers-eer-Story tellers. XD
Let's see what the ol brain case can drum out for you here...

Sam stared out the bus depot window and yawned. How had she gotten talked into this trip again... Oh yeah, little sis had decided on a strange surprise trip down to Ole Virginie.
She said she'd meet her there... Tia was always had some weird ideas of fun but this one took the cake.
So here Sam was... Plunking her weary tail down on a plastic bus depot seat and wondering whether Tia was meeting her here or what.
"Well there are worse places to be than home." she smiled slightly. A man with a baseball cap a couple seats away glanced over at her with interest. The smile Immediately disappeared and Sam turned back to the window. That's what she needed alright... Some strange fella thinking she was coming on to him. What would Connor think.
She growled silently to herself... Connor was ancient history and she better stop thinking about how he'd react to things.
She sighed quietly and dragged the suitcase with her outside for a smoke. She sat on the curb outside the depot and lit a Cheyenne little cigar. She gave a small half grin. Connor would have had fits over that. He always nagged at her for smoking cigars instead of cigarettes. Like it mattered. Tobacco was tobacco. It wasn't like he didn't smoke.
She inhaled with appreciation and blew a streak of gray smoke out through her nostrils. Not for the hundredth time she wondered where Tia was. She Hated surprises.
She took another drag off the Cheyenne when it finally dawned on her that the man in the baseball cap and suns had followed her out.
"Excuse me miss..." he interrupted her pleasant smoke with a soft Southern drawl. He had a deep voice and for some reason was speaking in hushed tones. She frowned.
"I don't mean to intrude but..."
'like hell you don't.' she thought crankily figuring he was about to nag at her about smoking. But trying to be charitable, she decided maybe he wanted to just bum a smoke.
"No worries. What can I help ya with?"
"Well I was wondering..." he said in the same hushed voice making her skin prickle.
"Mister... I'm sort of waiting for somebody to pick me up but if you would like a cig, you're welcome to some. These are little cigars but if that's not a problem..." she said politely.
He smiled a little. The sight of a set of strong white teeth beneath the mustache caught her attention. She narrowed her eyes...
She offered him the pack and asked in what she hoped sounded like a politely casual tone, "So you waiting for somebody?"
He looked at the pack a second then took a couple cigars before stepping closer to indicate a need for a light. She leaned over and handed him her Taurus lighter.
He lit the cig and turned the lighter over in his agile big hands looking at it.
"Sort of. Huh."
"Well it's just I wouldn't've taken ya for a Taurie."
She frowned mildly and raised a dark brow, "Oh? And just what would you take me for?"
"Well, if ya don't mind meh sayin... I took ya for a Gemini."
Her brows drew together in a dark look. She already had her suspicions but she didn't say anything.
"Well, you just seem more like a Gem than a Taurus. You're much more... I donno... Agile lookin... Than a typical Taurus like me."
He made a point of looking off down the street but somehow managed to move just.a.little.closer to her.
"Uh huh. Well... I'm not a Taurus. That's my boyfriend's lighter."
"Boyfriend? Ya don't say... So he's the one comin ta pick ya up?"
She glowered. She really Hated surprises. Tia was gonna catch hell for this Big.Time.
"Uh, no, my Sister's supposed to pick me up." she ground out hating the fact that she couldn't lie to save her rear.
"Your sister eh? Thatta fact..."
*sigh* She inhaled then exhaled with a groan... Tia was Really in trouble when Sam got a hold of her again.
"Look mister... I'm not on a fishing expedition. And I'd rather not be taken in by somebody else on one ok?"
"Oh I'm not fishin. Just bein polite an friendly like."
"Uh huh. Ok well I'm sorry-"
The fellow put out his cigar with a small impatient gesture on the curb.
"You aren't a sorry person, so don't be sayin ya are one."
She rolled her eyes, "Ok well, I Apologize then for my mistaking your conversational style for interest."
"No apologies needed. A lone girl traveling has ta be careful after all. But ya don't need ta fear me."
"Yep. So what brings you to the depot?"
"I'm here ta meet somebody."
"That's so."
"Yeah. She's quite a looker too."
"Really now. Girlfriend?"
"Fiancé actually."
"Ah. She been traveling a bit?"
"Nah, not really. She's from a different state."
"Ya don say. I guess you'd say long distance relationships work then huh?"
"Nah, not really. But she's been really patient with me gettin things ready for her to come down to live."
"That's sweet. It's nice you found somebody that can handle that. I know I wasn't able to. Too much strain bein away from him. Made me a little crazy."
"Ya don't say. What crazy things did ya do?"
For a moment she thought she heard an edge to his voice but when she looked up at him from the curb he still looked at ease.
"Well... I just..." She shrugged and shook her head. She wasn't really up for explaining the near suicide attempts to this stranger, "I just... went a little crazy. Not like I cheated on him or anything but... Like certifiable kind of a crazy. Nothing major."
"Huh... That musta been pretty bad for ya. Ya seem like a pretty sane person ta me."
She gave a wry hollow quick bark of laughter, "Appearances can be pretty deceptive."
"I reckon." He stood there with his hands in his jean pockets.
"So... What bus is your lady supposed to be coming in on?"
"Oh her bus already came an went."
Sam raised her brows at that... Poor fellow got stood up by his future bride?!?
"Eh that kinda sucks... She wasn't on it?"
"Oh she was on it. I'm jus waitin for her ta get her things around so we can go."
"Aah, I see. Sor-Apologies again."
He gave what sounded like a rock slide low rumble of a chuckle.
"You're learnin."
"Eh heh well my boyfriend was always on me about it too. I just got out of the habit since he wasn't around any more to... Well he just wasn't around any more."
"Oh? An that was why ya went a lil crazy...? Because he wasn't there ta hold ya together?"
She bristled a little at the digging, "Eh heh mister, maybe you'll get more on the personal files after the fourth or fifth date. Oh wait, you're engaged, guess you're S.O.L. then." She chuckled.
He shook his head and muttered. "Helluva marriage if you don't share that stuff before."
She frowned, "What was that??"
"Oh no you don't..."
"So sayin nothin doesn't work with you so why do ya think it works with me?"
"Excuse Me??"
"Sweetie... I know Tia said to take things cool but-"
The man exhaled gustily and pulled the suns low on his nose and tilted the cap back to look her straight in the eyes.
Sam gulped as she stared into mountain blue eyes. She blinked totally unaware that tears started rolling down her cheeks.
A dream, this had to be a dream...
"Awww Sweetie... Don't cry... I'm sorry..."
She choked, replying automatically, "You aren't a sorry person."
He shook his head slightly and grabbed her in a fierce hug.
Tia was gonna hear about this... When she came for the wedding.
Sam beamed hugely, unable to breath & not caring a jot. She Loved surprises.
Unknown "Old Woman" Unwell - 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
what do i know
what do i know
let's see if i get this right...
i know what it means
to be cold at night.

i know how hard
it is to be
when the world is sayin
bein's the worst thing to be.

i know what it means
to wish on a star
and wonder if you'll make it
or get that far.

i know what the sun's rays
feel like
especially after
a cold hard night.

i know what a hug is
and what it should do...
but most of all, i know what it means
to sleep a night without you.

so i guess that's enough.
enough to know...
that without you, darlin
no place is a place to go.

so come on back here.
so i know something new...
that is, what it's like
to live my life with you.
Unknown "Old Woman" Unwell - 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
how i'm feelin
Dead to the world
And all things in it.
Don't care whatcha say
Don't care how ya spin it.

Say whatcha like
Say whatcha can.
Doesn't matter anyway
I just don't give a damn.

You can say all is well
And everythin's great.
But from where I stand
It's too little too late.

I don't plan on listenin
I don't plan to care.
So go spin your happy ever after
In somebody Else's somewhere.

Sure I'm emo
And I whine a lot.
But hey I listen to other folks
Tell me the problems They got.

So if I'm too whiny
And too heavy to bear...
I never said you had to stick around
I didn't ask you to care.

Yeah I'm bitchy
And maybe that's cold.
But you asked for the truth
So it's the truth bein told.

If you can't take the darkness
And can't handle my pain
Don't expect me to take yours
The exit signs are labeled in English plain.

Move it or lose it
Try to keep up.
I've had enough givin
It's time for takin pup.

You want a free ride
Don't come to me.
Because I got too much shit
Of my Own ya see.

So I'm dead to the world
And all who's in it.
Take it however ya want,
I don't care how ya spin it.
Unknown "Old Woman" Unwell - 17 years, 2 days ago
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Ian Houghton
many thanks for shopping
Ian Houghton . - 16 years, 3 months, 7 days ago
Robert Provan
Hi there Katrina.
Hope you are doing good.
Wish to see you around more though.
Take care my friend.

You have been given Playing a Song for you.
Crafted by Bruce
Robert Provan "My precious" Lazy - 16 years, 3 months, 11 days ago
Ronald S Perrone Sr
thumb your pages . try to have fun
You have been given JUST DROPPING BY...;SUP?.
Crafted by Wildkat
Ronald S Perrone Sr Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 22 days ago
Robert Provan
Wow. You don't come on much at all!
Hope everything is going good for you, my friend.
You have been given Egyptian Ankh (Key of life).
Crafted by Hassan
Robert Provan "My precious" Lazy - 16 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
Robert Provan
Sorry, no towels handy. Ha!

Been quite awhile since I was here last.
Hope all is good with you and you have a great day! xo
You have been given I got you babe.
Crafted by Robert Provan
Robert Provan "My precious" Lazy - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
Tracy Combs

You have been given ♥Fairy Tale Wishes♥.
Crafted by Tracy Combs
Tracy Combs "Miss Tracy" Cheeky - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Old Wolf Shop

nothing too fancy just some little things for around the place. all 100% original & "hand" crafted by yours truly.

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