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"My everything"

Unknown, 43/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:59 PM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Location: Vryburg South Africa

About me:
We rode on the winds of the rising storm , we ran to the sound of thunder. we danced among the lightning bolts and tore this world asunder.
About you:
Hmm.. about me ... i am me. New people to chat to and friends are always welcome. lol come find out
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, ~♥♥THUMBS R FREE♥♥~
"Miss Tingle Nfs"
265341 pts
"My Love NFS"
40000 pts

2500 pts
Unknown's tales
Isnt dreaming fun?
Unknown "My everything" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
Quotes on BDSM

# Thou art to me a delicious torture - Ralph Walter Emmerson

# The great object in life is sensation , to feel that we exist even through pain. - Lord Byron

# Most welcome , bondage , for thou art a way , i think to liberty. - William Shakespeare

# There is nothing either good or bad , but thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare

# If you cant beat them , let them beat you.

# There is a fine line between love and pain, love me like a ball and chain - Brian Setzer

# Stars hide your fires , let not light see my black and deep desires - from the talented Mr Ripley

# Whenever I call upon a woman , i never fail to take with me a little whip - Mietzsche

# The slave escapes her bonds to find a stronger set of chains - Amonymous

# Stick and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me - William Shakespeare

# The master gives the gift of control , the slave gives the gift of submission - Master S

# How delicious to corrupt , to stifle all semblences of curtue and religion in that young heart - Marque de Sade

And to end..... " Look , if you want to torture me, spank me , lick me do it but if this poetry shit continues , just shoot me please!! Lori Petty in TankGirl
Unknown "My everything" Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
Quotes by Lord Byron

# No eyes can see , no tongue can tell the torture of the inward hell.

# Death , so called is a thing which makes men weep and yet a third of life is passed in sleep.

# Fools are my theme , let satire be my song

# I have a great mind to believe in Christianity, for the mere pleasure of fancying i may be damned

# If i dont write to empty my mind , I will go mad.

# Man , being reasonable, must get drunk , the best of life is but intoxication.

# The dew of compassion is a tear.

# To withdraw myself from myself has been ever been my sole , my entire , my sincere drive in scribbling at all.

# We are all selfish , and i no more trust myself than others with good motive.

#Pleasure is a sin , an sometimes sin's a pleasure
Unknown "My everything" Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 14 days ago

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Henriette Pretorius
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Henriette Pretorius "HP" Uncertain - 16 years, 2 months, 1 day ago

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YOLANDE "African Queen" - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
YOLANDE "African Queen" - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago

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YOLANDE "African Queen" - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
thanks for the pet!x
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Becky - 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
Fine thank you, and yourself?? been way busy lol how are things?
You have been given I like U - lets be friendz.
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Unknown "LK's Sexy Kitty" Seductive - 16 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
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