....and the next time my name is about to roll of your tongue, CHOKE ON IT, BITCH! x||X
Unknown "Hott Stuff ;) " Curious
- 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago
so, yesterday was a weird sort of day. i had two hours of alg. two hours of psychology, and two hours of espanol. after my math class, i had to go to psychology, and the teacher was making us watch Hotel Rawanda. we had 60 minutes of that before a lunch break in between, when the lunch bell sounded i got up from my chair, and felt a heavy depression fill me. i was sluggish, and irritable, and i snapped at my closest friends. i went to my teacher, whom i thought i could trust, and told him that i wasn't comfortable watching the film. it was eating away at my humanity. to watch those people being massacred, and humiliated be their own neighbors, friends, co workers, was unbearable for me. he told me to go sit down and watch the movie. i sat through another 30 minutes before i couldn't take it anymore. i was in tears (which is not pretty if you're wearing guyliner so thick you can SMELL it) and my face was swollen. he stopped the film with 5 minutes to spare in class to "discuss it" which mostly involved me yelling at the teacher saying things like "what the fuck is the point of the united nations if they don't even do a fucking thing while their own members are being hacked to fucking pieces" and other very loud four letter words. he knew i was a wreck, so when the bell for class to end sounded, i got my things together, and he was still talking to the class at this point, and shoved the door open, and slammed it shut. i spent the next two hours in the counselors office crying, and talking about the movie, which led to other things as my past depression, bulemia, my sexuality, and finally words of hope and solace. why any teacher who knows me, and honestly knows what shit ive been through and how that movie had affected me, would make me sit through it is INHUMANE and unjust. but i want to thank my counselor for helping me out, and listening to me and crying WITH me she is a really good person, and really knew just what to say. thank you karen fellabaum.
Unknown "Hott Stuff ;) " Curious
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
how will you know i am hurting if you cannot see the pain? -x- to wear it on my body tells what words cannot explain
Unknown "Hott Stuff ;) " Curious
- 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
i'm an inner-city icon, the new face for a problem, a docter held captive in my house by the chennai city heat wave, a victim of an unhealthy addiction to your voice, with side effects of vanity induced nosebleeds, and self sacrifice in the form of starvation; the reason for the teardrops on your guitar...
Unknown "Hott Stuff ;) " Curious
- 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Meet me on Thames Street I'll take you out Though I'm hardly worth your time In the cold, you look so fierce But I'm warming up Because the tension's like a fire We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes And like a bad movie, I'll drop a line Fall in the grave I've been digging myself But there's room for two Six feet under the stars
Unknown "Hott Stuff ;) " Curious
- 17 years, 16 days ago