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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 5000 points.


Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
My search....

Years ago when I was in secondary school I had a best mate that I would trust with my life. We where like sisters. We got on so well and our friendship was one of those rear ones where you know you'll never have another friend like them. Her name was Rebecca Holmes (Yeah my spelling might not be correct there. It has been a fair few years since I've had to spell her name). We where friends for about 3 years and then she moved away. She moved to Australia. We kept in contact as best we could but then the contact was lost at both ends.
It's been almost 4 years since the day we lost contact and 7 years since she moved.
Now I'm trying to find her again and get that contact going again. I want to know how she is and what she's up to now. I want to know all that gone on and tell her about my adventures.
Her sir name may have changed now or she might be going by a different name all together.

Becky, if you're reading this drop me a message and let me know how you are. It's been way too long!
Unknown "Twinkle" Sparkling - 16 years, 8 months, 1 day ago
Here's my tale,
I put Human Pets on my facebook profile and started collecting pets. Then I bought one person who wanted to know me better and admittedly I wanted to know him.
So we began chatting on Human Pets and started to become friends. Then we became facebook friends and carried on our conversations. I started to like him more and more.
After a while of talking on facebook we exchanged IM addresses and then arranged to meet up.
At the time we lived in different areas in the UK. I lived in London and He lived in Suffolk.
We met up in London just over a week before Christmas. I had the most wonderful, superb, perfect day. It was the perfect first date. Something inside stirred and told me that this was going to last. He told me he felt the same too. So after that day we kept meeting up and started to spend more and more time together.
Almost 6 months on and our relationship is still strong. We are now living together in Ipswich. We have been in our new flat for only a few weeks and have only just finished making home. But what I felt on the first day we met I still feel now. Only now it's stronger and love filled.
I never thought I'd find love over the internet and I that the person I fond and fell in love with would be the perfect man.
I owe it all to Human Pets and Luck.

So that's my tale. I came onto Human Pets and bought my perfect man and it has just been wonderful and spectacular.
It goes to show that you can find love anywhere if you give it a chance.
Unknown "Twinkle" Sparkling - 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago

Domnique Z
Hi :) thank you for bidding on my auction, I really appreciate it. Read your tales it is so cool that you found your Honey like that :)
sweets for a sweetie ~♥~ You have been given sweets for a sweetie ~♥~.
Crafted by Madame Otter
Domnique Z Emo - 16 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
MiSs SaM
your tale is just perfect happy for you x
MiSs SaM "ღSweet Sam" Feisty - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
loadsa thumbs you deserve them for putting up with my brother!! : )
Unknown "Star Bar" Loyal - 17 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
A pressie for my favourite pet.
You have been cat charmed.
Unknown "Tease" Sleepy - 17 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
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