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Unknown's tales
Nothing can ever be simple. You find someone you love and they break up with you wanting to stay friends and telling you that you deserve better. Only you can't take time away to cope because he's still the one person making sure you have a ride to work. So instead you hurt a whole lot and try to hide it from the world.
Unknown Sleepy
- 16 years, 10 months, 16 days ago
I am so aggravated with everything at the moment. I hate my job and It gets worse everyday. I got fucked on that car, so now I'm getting part of the money I paid for it back and none of the $75 in gas I've already spent on it. The damn thing needs to be rewired and i can't aford to have that done. I'm so beyond pissed. I didn't expect my boyfriend;s family to fuck me over like that but I guess now I'll know to expect it in the future. It's so fucked up becuase I've paid for his gas to go see them when they were being all pissy about wanting him there but couldn't help with the $40 in gas it takes to make a tript o see them. Then I get fucked over and lose $50 of what I paid them and all the $75 I've spent on gas trying to get the damn thing and get it fixed. So i'm down to $150 saved and 3 months to save up and buy a car that runs, plus I have to deal with buying gas to go pick up my money. So I get to start over with my saving with less than half of what I should have saved at this point.
Unknown Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
I'm so tired from work and looking at another 7 days before I get another day off, but I'll live. I'm going to go pick up a car on that day off. I so can't wait. I've needed a car for way too long.
Unknown Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
I did it. I got registered for class today. It was a terrible horrible drawn out ordeal, but it's over and I go back to class in August. YAY!!!
Unknown Sleepy
- 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
I actually got everything done, well everything possible to get done today. I mangaed to get my major switched, see my adviser and plan out my courses for fall today. It only took about 3 1/2 hours and numerous minor setbacks that had me runnin g all over campus. But I got it done. I still don't have the number I need to register for classes, but that was due to a clerical error on their part and I will be able to get that after 8 am tomorrow. I'm so excited.
Unknown Sleepy
- 17 years, 6 days ago
A little of everything naughty and nice
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