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Eden | - Free online hangout and friends
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Eden , 37/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:11 PM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 22 days ago
Location: Singapore

About me:
I'm neither good-looking nor tall, but a humorous guy looking for more friends to share my joy and humour with! I'm sincere, fun-loving and outgoing.
Interests: Singing, basketball, music, shopping, hanging out with friends, teasing friends, making people happy.
Height: 5ft6
Weight: 138.6 lbs
I love kids!!! Oh I'm a part-time nursery nanny for my church =)
About you:
I'd love to meet nice people in Singapore or even other long distanced countries :) Please feel free to leave me comments and I will get back to you ^^
Oh looks aren't that appealing to me :D
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Final Fantasy VII Lovers, Horikita Maki Lovers, Eden's own spamming herd
Herds: iPoh-er.., Snowy thumb, Thump poor me, ET Fund, yuQI♥youuuuu, juz for earning pts, The Herd, The Esther's, Miyuki's One and Only Fanclub, kingdom hearts lovers, BoA , lalala~, sweet dreamy world, Kelly's Herd, where rainbows end.(:, patsy's quick buck!
"Eden's Princess"
223351 pts
"Eden's Bz Gal"
105885 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts
Eden's tales
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Part 3/3

[Internship Challenge] or 【报告老板】 Part 3

Eden "新ペット" Trusting - 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
Part 2/3

[Internship Challenge] or 【报告老板】 Part 2

Eden "新ペット" Trusting - 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
I took part in this show during my internship period with iCell for four months from April to August, and this show is aired at the 9th episode of 10 in Singapore in July...

This is part 1/3 of the show with five of us (classmates)

Cast - Eden (me), Edric, Jin Lee, Cuiling and Victor

[Internship Challenge] or 【报告老板】 Part 1

Eden "新ペット" Trusting - 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
30th May 2008

I will be going to malaysia for a 1 week trip, to visit my relatives and to eat!!! Will be back on next Sunday morning, so do miss me guys/gals!!! *eeeeewww*

But please do not forget about me alrights, I shall try to entertain all of you by composing more music when I come back :D

Take care and have fun in everything!!!!!!
Eden "新ペット" Trusting - 16 years, 10 months, 4 days ago
29th May 2008

Finally!!! The long-awaited Childhood Second Single Version is finally out, phew took me such a long time to finish the editing, it's simple but it took a hell lot of time out of me, cause I really sucked in editing video clips...

For those who waited for it, or for those who just stumbled upon it, please enjoy the footage, I think it's pretty good for a noob editor like me :D have fun laughing at it ^^

Title - Childhood 小时候 - Second Single Version with NG Footage

You can view the high quality video by clicking on the video itself, where it will lead you to the youtube page..

Please enjoy =D

Eden "新ペット" Trusting - 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
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Angela Ding
hi eden ^^
how are u
aw i saw my prince here
lollipop &lt;33 You have been given lollipop <33 .
Crafted by Briana Siegrist
Angela Ding DinG*2¨εї з~ - 15 years, 3 months, 16 days ago
Victor Chua
haha...i can't believe u login HP either =P
I login everyday but the time spent here is nt as long as last time alrdy.......
Victor Chua "My L♥ve Prince" - 15 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
Victor Chua
haha ya I know....I wonder what are u gg to buy....cos I heard u said that u got quite a number of things to buy =)
Victor Chua "My L♥ve Prince" - 16 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
Victor Chua
U have been grilled :P
Anyway ya la...POP lo....:) But the block leave so short only lo.....hurhurhur...>.<
Victor Chua "My L♥ve Prince" - 16 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #1065) *grilled* You have been grilled
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 4 months, 6 days ago
shidi!!!!! :D
Unknown Hungry - 16 years, 4 months, 6 days ago
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Eden's shop
Eden's Final Fantasy Accessories Store

This is a shop dedicated to Final Fantasy Lovers whereby you can bring joy, laughter and happiness in a virtual world to others, do grab some posters, cosplay and figurine before you wander off again in the world of Human Pets.

(LE) = Limited Edition

Take a look at my new hair!!
1 use

130 pts
Take a look at my new hair!!
Bought by 25 people
Cool double sided guys for you!
1 use

170 pts
Cool double sided guys for you!
Bought by 10 people
A little portrait for a little u
1 use

130 pts
A little portrait for a little u
Bought by 6 people
Cloud is proposing, accept me?
1 use

140 pts
Cloud is proposing, accept me?
Bought by 9 people
I want a little hug from you!
1 use

140 pts
I want a little hug from you!
Bought by 15 people
Sleep with Zack for a price!!
1 use

130 pts
Sleep with Zack for a price!!
Bought by 2 people
1 use

130 pts
Bought by 10 people
Smile at me please :)
1 use

140 pts
Smile at me please :)
Bought by 29 people
Fooling around? Take a look...
1 use

170 pts
Fooling around? Take a look...
Bought by 7 people
Steal my pets, you get it!!
1 use

170 pts
Steal my pets, you get it!!
Bought by 17 people
Icy cool you...
1 use

130 pts
Icy cool you...
Bought by 24 people
Cloud's Wig for lovely you
1 use

150 pts
Cloud's Wig for lovely you
Bought by 6 people

Most recent customers:
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🍎 an apple a day 🍎
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Where I love to be :)
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