Little Crinkly Wrinkly Boy was walking out one day, when a huge gust of wind, blew his hat away. Unthinking, Crinkly dashed into the road to try and save his hat, just as a huge steam roller passed by and ironed poor Wrinkkly flat!
Little Crinkly Wrinkly's mum was beside herself with grief, as she scraped up all his heart and lungs, and fingernails and teeth, But lucky Mrs Wrinkly had amassed a large amount of wealth, She knew that she would need it all to restore her son to health!
She spent Billions on a Doctor, and Millions on a Nurse, But after they examined him it only made things worse. "No Good!" they cried! "It Can't be done! He can't be saved! No Way! But thank you for your cash my Dear, - we're off on holiday!"
Those scoundrels fled the Wrinkly home, Mrs Wrinkly in despair, "My Son is squashed, my money gone, Doesn't anybody care?" Just then her good friend came to call (Let's call him Professor Green) "I can bring him back to life!" he said, "With my WRINKLING MACHINE!"
So Crinkly's remains, piece by peice were posted through the door, into the amazing Wrinkling machine, and then spat onto the floor..."Son, are you alive?" Mrs Wrinkly whispered, hoping that it was so, No answer from the floor below. In short, the answer: NO.
"You Fool!" she cried at Professor Green, her blood began to boil, "He's deader than he was before, he's covered in engine oil! Poor sticky dirty Crinkly has been through enough today, I'm taking him home for burial, this minute, right away!"
So Sobbing Mrs Wrinkly began to wash off all the dirt. (It smeared upon her brassiere, her blouse and shoes and skirt). She wailed with grief at her sad loss as the water went down the drain. Then smiled with Joy... Her son WAS alive! All Crinkly Wrinkly again!
Unknown "Vonster" Calm
- 17 years, 2 months, 16 days ago