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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown's tales
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So me and Scott decided when the wedding is going to be.. We are planning it for around Nov. 9 of 2010.. Just because so the fact the I have to deal with the divorce and I am going to need at least a year to plan it..LOL even though he thinks its not soon enough I think that it is just right.... ( I can't wait to get the wedding rings from Tiffany N Co. !!!! My dream come true.. ) And Im so happy because everything is going to run us about 15,000 and the sad thing is that our rings are 10,000 and the wedding is 5,000 LOL im spoiled... :)
Unknown "Tiff" Crazy - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
Scott proposed!!! I don't think I have ever been this happy in my whole life! Scott proposed last night and I swear I havn't stopped crying since but they are all happy tears... For once I am truely happy and even our life together isn't perfect it is still everything that I have ever wanted.. it was so cute him getting on one knee and asking me because I swear i have never seen him that scared before ( Like I would actualy say no).. Life is great!! Love you all hugs everyone better come to our wedding....

P.S. and for those of you that are wondering what is going on with the divorce with J it should be final around march. So no worries I'm not going to be a bigamist..
Unknown "Tiff" Crazy - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
Unknown "Tiff" Crazy - 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
Fuck this i am really sick of all the bull shit that i have to deal with would anyone even notice if I just fucking took off left never came back bye gone.. I wish why do I care when he doesn't why do I want to run when all I really want to do is fall for someone who wishes he was with someone else.. Stupid girl thats what I keep telling myself you are going to be caring the kid to a guy who doesn't give a flying fuck about you or it and you still stick around for the fact that you are a stupid ass girl just like all those ones you make fun of and say wow how said doesn't she realize. FUCK DON'T I REALIZE!!!! Someone help me I going to fucking jump off a cliff this really can't be happening to me... Someone please come put this stupid girl out of her misery..
Unknown "Tiff" Crazy - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago

My Personal Hell Chapter One A book about my life...

I fell in love with his hands.. He wore rings on six of his ten fingures. I remember that that was one of the first things I notice the night I mesnt him. Sortly sfter that I feel in love with his hair as well. He is part of the reason that I have decided to right this book the most present reason I guess I should say. The other reason is because a dream of my past is hunting me. I remember waking up next to The Dark Prynce and felling like I was whole. I don't think is the dream of this that hunts me but the actions that I will have to live with. I roll over now hopeing that I will be held with loving arms but I only find the emptyness that truely lies within me not in the bed next to me. Another reason for this book about my life is a hope for the future. I have been in love truely in love with more then one person more then once. This other person I have truely been in love with is still here with me in my heart I care him with me where ever I go and he knows this that he is with me and will always be with me. It has been a time sence I have seen him but I know that all it would take is one huge. I must say though part of me fears this one huge. What if I did it again? What if I destory him like I did The Prynce. Then I think that myself hatred would be to great to bare. So this is my present let me tell you about the past..
Unknown "Tiff" Crazy - 16 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
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a colorful day ♥  You have been given a colorful day ♥ .
Crafted by not living anymore
DeLeTeD "sqidward" - 16 years, 12 days ago
Aurelien H
Hi dear cutie pet... I'm Aurélien, your new owner! I'm happy to be your owner! You are romantic but pragmatic!!!
You have been given A Special Kiss.
Crafted by Oh-So-Foxy Roxy
Aurelien H "strawberry life" Crazy - 16 years, 1 month, 29 days ago

You have been given Just wanted to say Hello! :).
Crafted by Valerie
Danny Playful - 16 years, 2 months ago
Dapinder sunny
helloo there....ufff hot numbers ;)
Dapinder sunny "Only Mine" Playful - 16 years, 2 months, 4 days ago

You have been given Gagged and licked.
Crafted by Reese
Silas i quit too much drama - 16 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
All Your Tales Thumbed ! Best Wishes
You have been given A rose for you..
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "RAWR!" Wild - 16 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Angels Shop

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We belong together.
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We belong together.
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Hold me.
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Hold me.
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Smile :)
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200 pts
Smile :)
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I give you the stars.
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200 pts
I give you the stars.
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A rose for you.
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200 pts
A rose for you.
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Monkeys are watching you.
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200 pts
Monkeys are watching you.
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I'm falling for you..
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200 pts
I'm falling for you..
Bought by 3 people
I give you my heart.
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200 pts
I give you my heart.
Bought by 6 people
You break my heart.
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200 pts
You break my heart.
Bought by 1 people
You make me laugh..
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200 pts
You make me laugh..
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Sad puppy face..
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200 pts
Sad puppy face..
Bought by 2 people

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