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Jessica Hyndman | - Free online hangout and friends
Carezilla owns this human at 500000 points.

Jessica Hyndman
Jessica Hyndman

Jessica Hyndman, 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:20 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
Location: Amarillo, TX United States

"GTFO :D jp"
About me:
Are you happy? You got what you wanted.. I'm lucky I'm here with my someone, my everything You'll bleed to death on me You're a ten when your lying next to me.. Heavy breathing You're a ten when your lying next to me.. Heavy breathing Are you happy? You got what you wanted.. You're winter, I left you for summer You'll bleed to death on me
About you:
Dear Future, I bought you. I own the rights.. to let go, destroy you. This is my life.
my artist - my title
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds: Dark Carnival, Careful...... We Bite, NOVA Crew - Manassas Chapter, ~Sarah's Honey Pot~

3308 pts
Jessica's tales
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Jessica Hyndman
Happiness is a state of mind.
If you don't allow yourself to clear all negative thoughts from your mind and focus on the here and now... where will it get you?
No where.
Without falling you will never know where it is you stood. Without suffering you will never learn. The trick is to take that knowledge and put it forth to the future. The more energy you apply, the greater the end product will be.
Love is testing.
Probably the bigger test you will ever face. It's trying, insufferable and yet our whole lives are focused on it. It's the greatest pleasure and the most intolerable pain you will ever face... but its worth speaks for itself. Without it your empty. How terrible the thought of being the only one walking the path of life... For thats what love is. The person you choose, and in some cases fate brings to you, to walk by your side. To protect and care for you through all your struggles. Including the one to keep together. But if you give up before it starts, where does that leave you?
No where
Jessica Hyndman "PookieBear♥" Adored - 16 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
Jessica Hyndman
I Tried To Write You A Poem But I Have Writers Block

I'm the unfavorite
The mistake outside the lines
Yet here you lay next to me
I can never remember what it is you see
You are my sleeping faith
Awakened in the pull of your love, I see life anew
Myth and lies no longer apply
The truth bluntly stated is obvious
I've been dying to reach you
And now that I'm here life has meaning
For here in your embrace I am strong
I live for the memories to come
For the life I'm starting with you
As weak as I once was, with you I know I can fly
This changes everything
I'm afraid I have to admit.. I'm at a loss for words
There's none I could possibly put together
to resemble the power of my love for you
Instead I'll just say this
I'd spend a lifetime trying to make you smile
And an eternity to love you
If you'll only keep me by your side
Jessica Hyndman "PookieBear♥" Adored - 16 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
Jessica Hyndman
it gets to the point
where breathings a chore
where getting up every morning is agony
where you hate the beating of your own heart
where hours seem like days...days to weeks...
where things become tasteless
where everyone, everything is muted
and all you hear is the wind rustle the remaining leaves from autumn

its gets to the point
where you start living in memories
where the tears stop coming
where the heart grows cold
where opening your eyes is the hardest thing you have to do
because living life in the world as it is now
is more painful than ever imagined
because you arent here
to suffer through it with me

Jessica Hyndman
Jessica Hyndman "PookieBear♥" Adored - 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago
Jessica Hyndman
I miss her :{
Carolyn has moved across the entire country.. so I'm all alone, stuck here in stupid virginia. I can't even tell you how lonely I am...
I miss my sister.
Jessica Hyndman
Jessica Hyndman "PookieBear♥" Adored - 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
Jessica Hyndman
Thought I needed a happier tale then the one I posted before. That was from a darker time in my life. I just wanted to share the poem cuz I like it though its simple and definitely not one of my better poems.

Here's a better story. Short and simple. Once upon a time, Pookie, that same girl in the poem, was dying. She couldnt remember who she used to be, didn't know what she was other then caught in the web an abusive monster kept her alone in the dark. Friendless. He lied, cheated, and ripped the girl apart. Twisting the girls thoughts, beating her self esteem into the dirt. Then one day another girl came along named Carebear. Carebear gave the girl the strength to run away from the monster. Together they made each other into strong, beautiful, crazy, independent women. Pookie wouldnt have made it without her, and for that she loves Carebear with all her stitched up heart XD

See? Happy ending...

Jessica Hyndman "PookieBear♥" Adored - 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
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Marcel L
: )
 ♥colorful vibes for you You have been given ♥colorful vibes for you.
Crafted by Caramel
Marcel L "Perruchis" Uncertain - 14 years, 8 months, 2 days ago
dude haha...human pets =teh lameness
Carezilla "c" Ferocious - 14 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Yojimbo Slice
What happened to raj owning you :P
Yojimbo Slice "stolen" - 15 years, 11 months, 16 days ago

you brighten up my day You have been given you brighten up my day.
Crafted by Polar Jeffy
Carezilla "c" Ferocious - 16 years, 7 days ago
Mad Panda Man

panda friends You have been given panda friends.
Crafted by Unknown
Mad Panda Man "Smelly Bum" Growling - 16 years, 14 days ago
I love youuuuu
Carezilla "c" Ferocious - 16 years, 14 days ago
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Jessica's shop
Buy mah shit

Whatever I feel like selling XD

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I drewed you a picture...
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I drewed you a picture...
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Imma cool loser XD
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Imma cool loser XD
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Nice Chicken Legs ;}
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Nice Chicken Legs ;}
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You've Been SHEEPED
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You've Been SHEEPED
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Pookie Bear
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Pookie Bear
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