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"Fran is ♥"

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during my exam i will not be able to online often ^^ so i'll just copy and paste this story that I have made...
actually this story was dedicated to someone...but seems like i will never have the chance to dedicate it in the real i will just let the visitors of my profile to enjoy the story ^^ hehe...
hope when the person reads it, the person will remember me XD
Unknown "Fran is ♥" Seductive - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Title : 背叛

I saw this girl being chased by monsters..

“Need help ?”

She used ‘crying’ expression.
I thought that she needed help so I cleared the whole monsters chasing her in one shot.
‘shocked’ expression came out from her…
Once again I thought that she was shocked to see that I could clear so many monsters just in a shot, and she would thank me for sure.
The next expression shown by her was ‘angry’ expression..
Confused about why she used that expression, I came out with ‘confused’ expression..maybe she pressed the wrong button, that was what was in my mind.

“I’m doing a quest of the ogre but u killed all the monsters for the quest … T..T ”
“Oooopsss …Sorry >.< I didn’t know that u were doing quest…I thot u needed help… >.< “
“Hmmmmmphhhh!!!!!” with ‘angry’ expression.

I asked for forgiveness from her…I tried to offer many items that I have..I was one of the top-ranked player so my items are considered ‘good items’ in the game.
She used a return scroll to town..I didn’t know which town she returned too.

“Please forgive me okay? I promise you I will accompany you to do the quest..I will let the monsters hit me and you can kill all of them.. Okay ??” I whispered her as I remembered clearly her name was BabySis.
“Want me to forgive you? Give me a ‘Queen Robe’ then! You should know that the monsters are spawned once in 6 hours !”

Queen Robe was one of the most expensive and rare items in the game. Currently only one player has it. It’s pricey but it looked very good in female character.

(I don’t even know whether the real person who play the character..the real person might be a guy playing female character.)

“That’s a bit too much, I will help you leveling till the next monster re-spawn, okay?”
“But it is 11.45p.m. here, the next one will be 5a.m. !!”
“It’s make up my fault I will do it..So let’s go to the Ogre Cave to level up , ok?”

It was Saturday so I thought it was okay to stay up till very late

“Okay, meet me in front of it.”

So we met at the Ogre Cave. While leveling-up I asked her out of my curiosity about the real person’s gender.

“Are you a woman character with ‘spear’ ?” I didn’t know how to ask directly..
“What do you mean by that ?!?”
“A male playing a female character ?”
“F* u !” she used the ‘angry’ expression again and again..afterwards she said..
“I will do the quest myself then !!”
“Sorry , it was my fault…I just wanted to make sure…sorry , okay?”
“It’s okay u can leave now, I believe I can finish the quest WITHOUT your help !”
“At least, please let me finish what I’ve promised you..please ?”

It was quite hard to give her explanation…I tried to ask for her forgiveness and tried to explain that I didn’t mean to suspect her of being a ‘fake’ female. We waited until the monster re-spawned , and finally she finished her quest..

“THANKS AND BYE !!” she said.

I felt very sorry , I messed up her quest , I made her wait till 5a.m. , and even I suspected her as ‘fake’ female. I didn’t know what got into me , I sold most of my expensive items and equipments and used up all my gold just to buy the Queen Robe from the game NPC that sold the most expensive items in the game.

“There are only 5 Queen Robe in this game , I think if you are willing to buy it , it must be for someone special , am I right , ZhiYao ?” The NPC said after I’d purchased the Queen Robe.
“Yeah…I think so..” I was so shocked that there were only 5 Queen Robes in the game..

My character name was ZhiYao…Only If ? If Only ? There are quite a number of meanings I think…but I just liked that name because it sounded special…haha…

The next day I was her online at around 10p.m. , so I whispered her.

“Please meet me at the City of Love, the west gate please…”
“For what??”
“Please…Please…Please…Please…Please...Beg you T..T “
“Okay, in 6 hours time, wait there!”
“^^ thank you …. So if I wait there for 6 hours , you will come rite ?”I thought she was going to revenge because I made her waited for 6 hours before..
“Wait there for 6 hours, I might go there anytime , if I don’t see you there when I’m there , it means THAT’S IT !”

I wanted to meet her much… So I started waiting at the west gate of City of Love right away..
Had waited for 1 hour plus , she finally turned up…I used the ‘shocked’ expression followed by ‘smiling’ expression.
I wanted to show off, so I dropped the Queen Robe , picked it up , dropped it again , and picked it up again. However she showed no expression..
I used ‘confused’ expression then I told her.

“this is to make up all my fault , u wanted it right ? please forgive me okay?”
She didn’t respond..
“I spent all my gold and sold most of my precious items just to buy this item , u know??”
Finally she responded.
“Thank you.”
“Huh??? U just reply thank you…. T..T” I replied with ‘crying’ expression.

Unknown "Fran is ♥" Seductive - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
“I’m not in a good mood now, so if you are being cheeky and want to show off , I’m gonna leave now.”
“Sorry…really really sorry…may I know what made you in a bad mood ?”
“U don’t need to know it.”
“But we are just online friends. I don’t know the real you and you don’t know the real me. So even if I know your problem, I won’t tell anybody since we don’t know each other..”
“Okay, to put it simply I had a quarrel with my boyfriend…”

She told me her problem that she had with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend wanted to work in a night club , she didn’t allow him to work there but he didn’t listen to her. The quarrel started last week when her boyfriend applied for the job. She just hated when her boyfriend could not accompany her at night.. she always felt lonely at night because she stayed alone and she needed someone to accompany her as she didn’t like to go to club. She was once molested in the club that put her in a trauma.

“Maybe he works there to earn more money , you know that working at night might earn you a lot of money ?” I tried to comfort her..
“But is his work and money are more important than me??”
“I’m not sure about it…but then’ve met me…I will accompany you for the whole night.”
“Are you sure?? But I’m afraid when I really feel tired I might just sleep , leaving my character online.”
“It’s okay I do stay up playing this game till late..that’s why my character’s level is so high…haha..”

We chatted for a while.. Soon she showed ‘sleepy’ expression…

“Tonight I still have the chance to say good night to you , but I don’t know about the next time…I might not, okay? Hahaha.”

Afterwards she gave me her e-mail account for her MSN and access to her MySpace.

“Maybe you would like to know the female with ‘spear’ ? haha..” she cracked a joke with me.
“hahaha. Yeah I would like to know the female with ‘spear’…is she scary?? Hahaha “
“Okay then…good night…”
“good night too… c you around.”

After she logged off, I added her MSN and checked out her MySpace. She was very cute in the photos posted on her MySpace. The way she smiled melted me. Haha.. yeah she was just naturally cute and.. sweet..
That night I couldn’t put myself into sleep, I was thinking how she looked like in the real life. She might be the ‘perfect-gal’ of me..

Again the next day I met her online. We were from the same time-zone. So when it was night in my area , it was night too in her area. On her MySpace I found out that her place is reachable by one and a half hours of flight.
We leveled up together, I helped her doing hard quests that she couldn’t do alone… without we noticing , we played until 4a.m. she told me she would be right back , she wanted to lay on her bed for a while to rest her eyes.
I waited for an hour..I talked to her but she didn’t respond..
So I supposed that she had fallen asleep. I went to buy roses, a lot of roses, then I arranged them into a love shape. I hoped when she woke up she would see what I’d made for her. After done with arranging the roses , I went to sleep for around 8 hours… I did all my school stuffs in the afternoon , studied some subjects , and waited for the night to come..

And the night came…when I just logged in. I saw my friends list and she had already online. Just before I whispered her, she messaged me..

“Thank you very much…It was so sweeeeeet.. Now wonder that night I had sweet dreams till I woke up.”
I was over-joyed when she told me that.. before I replied her…my mom called me…

“Ryan , is it 15 minutes yet?”
I looked at the clock. Yeah it had been 15 minutes.
“Yes, mom , it has been 15 minutes , want me to turn off the gas?”
So I went to the kitchen to turn the gas off… soon I realized that she always went online around the same time, around 10.30 to 11..

“hahaha..really ? u r most welcome, I’m happy that I brought sweet dreams for you... if by doing so it would bring sweet dreams to you every night, I don’t mind doing so ^^… Oh ya, may I ask you something?”
“Ha Ha ! you are such a good sweet- talker..but not too much of sweet-talking please? I’m sweet enough. Hehe.. yes what do you want to ask?”
“Okay =P , I think you always online around 10.30 to 11 , am I right?”
“Yes, because my boyfriend starts working at 11…sometimes he might be able to accompany me until 10.59 , but sometimes he just accompanies me until 10.30..”

That night she talked about she and her boyfriend…MUCH…after hearing her story, I realized that she was the dream girl of mine. I had been hoping to have a girl like her, but when I’d met one, she was someone else’s.. I was quite sad about that.

One day I was whispered by the game admin..

“Those who have bought the Queen Robe will be allowed to celebrate a public or private wedding party at the City of Love..”

I was shocked yet happy..and of course… the girl would be Catherine ( BabySis ).. I couldn’t wait till night to tell her this..
Once she was online I asked her to meet me at the usual place..It was the west gate of City of Love..once she arrived , I greeted her , I talked some rubbish , ask her this and that..beat around the bush…since I didn’t know how to say directly…lacking of words…in the end I typed…

Unknown "Fran is ♥" Seductive - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
“Would you marry me?”
‘laughing’ expression..
‘laughing’ expression…
‘shy’ expression…
‘laughing’ expression….
‘shy’ expression…

I did that again and again hoping that she wouldn’t see what I typed..

“Marry you? Here ?”
I used ‘blushed’ expression
“yeah…what would be your answer..”
“I don’t mind if it is here…hahaha…” she used ‘blushed’ expression..

So I told her the story about the game admin’s message.. she asked me to decorate the wedding place , with some specifications given by her…

I decorate the small place of wedding place as she wanted it to be private and not too big..I really put much effort on decorating it…I spent 12 hours to get the things done.. was quite funny that she wanted …a stage.. she said that she loved singing , and she wanted her friends or my friends to make singing performances during the wedding party..

I messaged the game admin to confirm our marriage date and most of my online close-friends to attend the wedding party.

The day of our ‘online’ wedding party, I was so happy..I even cried during the wedding party..It was such a great day..I kissed her and she kissed me…I gave her a ring for the symbol of our marriage. It was such a great day…no words could describe it.. even though it was not for real…I still hoped that it was a real one..I hope that I could meet her in real life…getting to know her better..

One of my wishes came true…we really get to know each other better…however only in the game..I even got to know her handphone number, some of her photos – because I asked for them, I did get to see her boyfriend photos - , and many other things.. we spent time more on chatting rather than leveling up.

Time passed by.. my university term-test was coming…but I’d been playing my online game the whole night to accompany her..I didn’t tell her that I was having exams…I chatted with her in the game as usual.. I tried to spend my afternoon to study…but tiredness made the things that I studied harder to get into my brain.. I just tried my best doing the whole exams..

“you look so tired. You must have prepared to face this tests right ?” said mrs.Reese my lecturer.

My lecturers thought that I looked so tired during the exams because I studied to much for the preparation of the exams…instead…. I played too much..

There would be a 2 weeks holiday after I received my results.. I got excited over it.. I hoped during that holiday I could make a trip to meet her..

“Hi…I’m having 2 weeks holiday soon…haha..”
“How come?”
“Ohh I just finished my term-test..”
“Really? Why didn’t you tell me? Hmmmppphhhh !!! So how’s the results?”
“haha…sorry that I didn’t tell you…I don’t want my exams to let you be lonely. Hehe.. but no worries I’m one of the best students in my school…I surely did well in the exams..but what I want to know now is…”
“Is what ?”
“errr…we have known each other for quite sometime..I’m wondering if I could meet you during this 2 weeks holiday..”
“Not a bad idea…when you want to come? U can contact me directly , u do have my phone number right?”
She agreed to meet me….that made me even more happy and excited…
“Okay then, I will arrange it..”

Unknown "Fran is ♥" Seductive - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
I wanted to tell her that I loved her when I met her. Not only in the virtual world, but also in real life. I spent my time preparing a gift, a bouquet , and something special. The asked a tailor to sew a real size of Queen Robe..I bought roses as the bouquet in love shaped. And the very special thing was the photo screen-shot taken when I was with her online.. I did take screen-shots of special moments with her online. I arrange the photo that I developed inside a frame of roses, again the roses is arranged love-shaped. In the middle of the frame, between the photos , I wrote “ Wo, ZhiYao , Ni Neng Yi Kuai” and I wrote it in Chinese below it “我,只要, 你能愉快“. I hung a ring with the letter “BabySis” engraved on it…

My result came out…I flung out in the term-test. Was scolded by my parents for not studying , my lecturers were disappointed that my results dropped tremendously , and many other things happened because of the falling of my grades… I didn’t really care about it. I asked for permission to go to the city where Catherine lived.. Obviously my parents didn’t allow me to go. They wanted me to study more. I was angry because they didn’t allow me to go.

Even without my parents’ permission, I packed my stuffs and left my house. I called Catherine to tell her what time was my flight.
Inside the plane..I prayed..

“God please lead me with Your decision..Fate, please choose which way you want Catherine to walk. Be it with me or with her boyfriend. Even though it is not the path of me, I will make her the happiest girl.”

When I arrived, I was still filled with my hope that she would choose me , that she would like me when I gave her what I’d prepared. I walked off the plane. Went to collect my baggage. It was quite crowded at the airport, I walked to the arrival hall.

However as I walking, I saw Catherine’s boyfriend there. I was sure that he was looking for someone.. so I decided to hide myself. I took a peek on him..Catherine was there too...she was very different from her photo…way too gorgeous…

“Please , Cath , I’m giving up my job. I will accompany you everyday from now onwards…every time…every single minute if you want me to be by your side , every second if you want it.. please forgive me..”
“I don’t know ,Chris , you know I love you so much, but you neglect me..promise me that you would always be there for me..”
“I will do anything for you…I realize that I can’t live without you..I’m sorry, it was all my fault…I love you Cath”
“I love you too…please don’t let me be lonely anymore..”
“thank you Cath…but what are you doing here?”
“I’m meeting a friend of mine.”
“A friend? A guy or a girl ?”
“A guy, but he is a really good friend..anyway I’m going to the restroom first. I don’t want him to see my face like this.”

My heart was broken at that point of time after I heard their conversation.. tears filled my heart…she chose to be with her boyfriend... she was happy with her boyfriend that wanted to accompany her after giving up his job..
there was no other way for me to be her chosen one, so I decided to make her even happier…at least I could do what I’d promised in my make her happy..
As she left to the restroom, I approached Chris ,her boyfriend. I told him that I had something really important and I asked for his phone number..
After getting his phone number I moved away from there. I sent one sms to Catherine.
= U really go to the airport? Haha..I lied to you…actually I live in the same city as you=
She replied my sms…
=Huh? U lied to me? Haha it’s okay.. I’m in a very good mood today…^^=

I did send a message to Chris , I asked him to meet me outside at the café.
I met Chris and explained what had been happening between me and Catherine. I told him that he was a lucky guy to have Catherine and I just wanted her to be the happiest girl in her life.
“To be honest I love her much too... I won’t give up to make her happy. She has been a part of my life. But she is happy with you, all that I can do now is to make her happier ever.”
I passed all the things that I’d prepared for Catherine to Chris. I told him about the online marriage and all the sweet memories that I had with Catherine. One day was not enough to tell him the whole story. Chris wanted to know more about it so we decided to meet again.

So we met at one of the café in the city. While we are talking…

Unknown "Fran is ♥" Seductive - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
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Angie "我的bAoBei" bling bling - 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
yaya.... busy is good.... if can earn money , then it will pretty good ^^
Angie "我的bAoBei" bling bling - 16 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
hehe.... this few day quite busy :-P
Angie "我的bAoBei" bling bling - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
S'pore and M'sia din have snow... its too bad....

Merry Xmas...
You have been given Merry Christmas.
Crafted by Angie
Angie "我的bAoBei" bling bling - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
Oh... now wat u work actually? :-)
Angie "我的bAoBei" bling bling - 16 years, 3 months, 10 days ago
holiday? so good lol

so wats ur plan bout it?
Angie "我的bAoBei" bling bling - 16 years, 3 months, 16 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Fantasy shop

I opened this shop at 11:15 ( Singapore time ) on 15 Jan 2008...
Please take a look ^^

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