Title : 背叛
I saw this girl being chased by monsters..
“Need help ?”
She used ‘crying’ expression.
I thought that she needed help so I cleared the whole monsters chasing her in one shot.
‘shocked’ expression came out from her…
Once again I thought that she was shocked to see that I could clear so many monsters just in a shot, and she would thank me for sure.
The next expression shown by her was ‘angry’ expression..
Confused about why she used that expression, I came out with ‘confused’ expression..maybe she pressed the wrong button, that was what was in my mind.
“I’m doing a quest of the ogre but u killed all the monsters for the quest … T..T ”
“Oooopsss …Sorry >.< I didn’t know that u were doing quest…I thot u needed help… >.< “
“Hmmmmmphhhh!!!!!” with ‘angry’ expression.
I asked for forgiveness from her…I tried to offer many items that I have..I was one of the top-ranked player so my items are considered ‘good items’ in the game.
She used a return scroll to town..I didn’t know which town she returned too.
“Please forgive me okay? I promise you I will accompany you to do the quest..I will let the monsters hit me and you can kill all of them.. Okay ??” I whispered her as I remembered clearly her name was BabySis.
“Want me to forgive you? Give me a ‘Queen Robe’ then! You should know that the monsters are spawned once in 6 hours !”
Queen Robe was one of the most expensive and rare items in the game. Currently only one player has it. It’s pricey but it looked very good in female character.
(I don’t even know whether the real person who play the character..the real person might be a guy playing female character.)
“That’s a bit too much, I will help you leveling till the next monster re-spawn, okay?”
“But it is 11.45p.m. here, the next one will be 5a.m. !!”
“It’s okay..to make up my fault I will do it..So let’s go to the Ogre Cave to level up , ok?”
It was Saturday so I thought it was okay to stay up till very late
“Okay, meet me in front of it.”
So we met at the Ogre Cave. While leveling-up I asked her out of my curiosity about the real person’s gender.
“Are you a woman character with ‘spear’ ?” I didn’t know how to ask directly..
“What do you mean by that ?!?”
“A male playing a female character ?”
“F* u !” she used the ‘angry’ expression again and again..afterwards she said..
“I will do the quest myself then !!”
“Sorry , it was my fault…I just wanted to make sure…sorry , okay?”
“It’s okay u can leave now, I believe I can finish the quest WITHOUT your help !”
“At least, please let me finish what I’ve promised you..please ?”
It was quite hard to give her explanation…I tried to ask for her forgiveness and tried to explain that I didn’t mean to suspect her of being a ‘fake’ female. We waited until the monster re-spawned , and finally she finished her quest..
“THANKS AND BYE !!” she said.
I felt very sorry , I messed up her quest , I made her wait till 5a.m. , and even I suspected her as ‘fake’ female. I didn’t know what got into me , I sold most of my expensive items and equipments and used up all my gold just to buy the Queen Robe from the game NPC that sold the most expensive items in the game.
“There are only 5 Queen Robe in this game , I think if you are willing to buy it , it must be for someone special , am I right , ZhiYao ?” The NPC said after I’d purchased the Queen Robe.
“Yeah…I think so..” I was so shocked that there were only 5 Queen Robes in the game..
My character name was ZhiYao…Only If ? If Only ? There are quite a number of meanings I think…but I just liked that name because it sounded special…haha…
The next day I was her online at around 10p.m. , so I whispered her.
“Please meet me at the City of Love, the west gate please…”
“For what??”
“Please…Please…Please…Please…Please...Beg you T..T “
“Okay, in 6 hours time, wait there!”
“^^ thank you …. So if I wait there for 6 hours , you will come rite ?”I thought she was going to revenge because I made her waited for 6 hours before..
“Wait there for 6 hours, I might go there anytime , if I don’t see you there when I’m there , it means THAT’S IT !”
I wanted to meet her much… So I started waiting at the west gate of City of Love right away..
Had waited for 1 hour plus , she finally turned up…I used the ‘shocked’ expression followed by ‘smiling’ expression.
I wanted to show off, so I dropped the Queen Robe , picked it up , dropped it again , and picked it up again. However she showed no expression..
I used ‘confused’ expression then I told her.
“this is to make up all my fault , u wanted it right ? please forgive me okay?”
She didn’t respond..
“I spent all my gold and sold most of my precious items just to buy this item , u know??”
Finally she responded.
“Thank you.”
“Huh??? U just reply thank you…. T..T” I replied with ‘crying’ expression.
Unknown "Fran is ♥" Seductive
- 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago