
Name: |
Unknown , 36/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 2:07 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 7 months, 14 days ago |
Location: | Where it's Christmas everyday ; Christmas Island
"* ~ S m i L e ~ ! *" |
About me:
i'm a typical girl - i dance, sing (to my self), shop (-aholic), drink and love to love. i heart my black nail polish, my belly dance classes, my 2 darling pooches and my herd of friends~ i get wobbly in the knees when in the presence of the tall dark and handsome and the naughty just like any other girl >.< besties say i'm too honest and idealistic. naiive? i leave that for you to judge ;) ______________________________________________________ Looking for: Not looking~! i love my owner and he loves me too~ :P
About you:
hmm anyone interesting and fun? :P
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds: | Clan of the Tiger, VIP - Very Important Pets, I'VE BEEN ROMPED BY MAGGIE <3, Nerds are Sexy, I ♡ Human Pets, Loola's Friends, ANIME LOVERS, Japanimaniacs, ♡ YELLOW FEVER, Trevors Hottest pets of HP, Jootopia, Thumb Dat Ass!! =P, Girls Only Club, THE FARM |
10000 pts
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Unknown's tales
it'd be nice to have some christmas pressies under my tree too~! =) leave me one and i'll leave you another under your own tree~! merry christmas!
Unknown "MY GIRLFRIEND" Purring
- 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Being Alone While you may act like you don't care on the outside, on the inside your biggest fear is being alone. You can be quite shy and reserved. You feel like a lot of times people don't really see the real you. You're afraid that no one will really truly love you, and that you will be alone for the rest of your life. On the inside you are great person, so just remember that and don't let your shy nature get the best of you! If you don't want to be a lone then you need to make an effort to be with someone. Show the people that you care about that you really love them, and chances are someone will always be there, even if you think they won't. | Losing Someone | | Where Your life is Going | | Commitment | | Looked down on | | Death | | Disappointment | | What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Unknown "MY GIRLFRIEND" Purring
- 16 years, 3 months, 23 days ago
whoo hoo~ i finally managed to take the time to post a blog entry... well actually it's because i'm not as busy as i normally would be =)
Unknown "MY GIRLFRIEND" Purring
- 16 years, 4 months, 4 days ago
hey all~ if you've been checking my page and wondering why i've never updated, it's because i have been travelling around the states (no, i am NOT american.... sorry but just because i speak english... that doesnt constitute me being one. sorry.) for a couple of months and.... i have a BLOG~! o/ woot! in fact the link is right here so everyone can check it out if they want: www.littleplate.blogspot.comcomments are really, most welcomed =)
Unknown "MY GIRLFRIEND" Purring
- 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
nyargh....... i thought i could do better than this lol~ oh well~! if you can get a score better than me... good for you!
65 wordsSpeedtest
Unknown "MY GIRLFRIEND" Purring
- 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
* ~ Sparkle & sHinE~ *
In support of all things cute, witty, notty and downright fun~ =)
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