Dazzling Opening of Beijing Olympic 2008 this year! Well done Beijing!! & of cos China!
Alright, all these thoughts appeared in my mind while i'm watching the opening a few mins ago. haha.
I personally feel that its very creative of china to come up with such good stage set up, the stadium design is so cute. haha.. bird nest design, thats wad they call it. i love the performance, filled with the culture of china.
But still, i think the best parts are, the piece of drawing that is completed step by step with each performance, as well as the lighting of Olympic Fire!!! not forgetting the fireworks!!
I wonder who's the person who staged the performances, imagine a drawing completed first by a few artists acting as brushes on the piece of paper, followed by small kids adding colours to hills and sun, and finally, completed by all the teams worldwide! with their footprints!! And in whole, it represents all the countries which participated in Beijing Olympic 2008!
The lighting of Olympic fire is great! haha.. passing on the fire, then when it reaches the last person... the person flew up! hahaha! then pretend that he's running around the stadium... top of stadium.. & of cos on a BIG scroll reflected on the screen. When you think thats the end when he reaches the BIG Olympic fire baton, you're are so wrong!
Cos he didnt really fly up to the top of the baton n light it, instead, he light on a wire thingy. And when there's fire on the wire thingy, in a few seconds... wee! the fire was passed to the baton! like a spiral flow! haha. interesting.
AHH~ now fireworks... from the beginning it's alrdy very grand. fireworks from far takes turn to shoot up to the sky... each firework forming a shape of the stadium. all the way to the stadium itself. ending was great too.. no lights appeared in the stadium. all you see are fireworks!! gosh... i wish i was there! *dreaming*
*slap* alright. time for bed. since its 1.01 am now. It's considered late for me! haha. So honey dreams all!! And it's 9th August 2008... so.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!
HAPPY 43RD!! All the best SINGAPORE!! Rmb to make your wish! heehee. :)
Some pictures to share. :)
Unknown "♥BESTever♥" Calm
- 16 years, 7 months, 1 day ago