first there was space. infinite, raw, incomprehensible. then it moved. space moved, and then got used to the moving. once it's butterflies had settled, it realised that no matter which direction you move in, you are drawn slightly back towards your beginning point, as space itself is an illusion. this makes all lines curved slightly, and the first form to emerge to be a circle. the line continues, however, and you find yourself with many concentric rings, all pulsing with their own frequency. repulsing one another, and resonating on certain frequencies. then this bundle upon bundle forms itself into atoms which also resonate with each other to form all the myriads of stuff that there is in the universe. its a many tiered process, with many magnetic checks and balances: each phase of the equation given a name and a function and seeming to have a will and mind of its own, but only in so far as it reflects the concentric rings and their magnetic influences upon each individual atom.
so there are no beings anywhere in this equation. all is logos. consciousness suspended and sub divided. some of the parts become aware of the whole and come to reflect a little brighter, but all the parts are essential to the entire working. each little contact. each little resonation gives off sparks which transform and reveal a little more of the puzzle over time, or the illusion of time created by the illusion of movement through illusory space.
and that is how we all got here.
for some reason it becomes more convenient for most to only see the labels placed upon the resonant atoms. this allows them to navigate language, but does little to furthering universal evolution which becomes bogged down in shallowness and forgets the initial spark that sparked all the fires. without the logos which is the whole shebang personified, there is only the small atom of strength. to evolve become aware that all that you are not, you also are.
it is obvious, though it flies in the face of convention (designed to prevent early awakenings). the scaffolding is not the building, and for the building to grow, the scaffolding must come down.
Unknown "belærende blær"
- 17 years, 2 months, 10 days ago