deep down in everyones mind, soul and hearts is the desire to be, do and say things differently, or even be a totally different person. the beauty of hp is it's simplicity, no one cares too much who they chat to, you can form bonds with limitless people, and fulfill your utmost desires in text! and maybe images, the trick is to be honest and open, have no fears of making mistakes or being the fool, and recieve criticism and compliments willingly and learn from them, challenge your invetivness, open your heart, push the boundries, go to the extremes! just remember to never intentionally hurt peoples feelings! life is about evoloution, evolution requires improvement and what better way than with so many people.
Finally if you have a partner, take your new found skills and impress them!
Unknown "MY SEXY EBAY XX " Hopeless
- 17 years, 28 days ago