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"Bed Pan!"

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Unknown's tales
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This weekend has been absolutely amazing. Yesterday we had one of the best orchestra concerts we've ever had. We played all movie music and even had a bunch of skits, speeches, movie clips, slideshows, even a lightsaber fight on stage. It was really funny. And then we had an informal banquet afterwards. It was so hilarious because one of the student officers hired a MARIACHI BAND to perform. It was the most random thing EVER, and no one knew about it. That's orch dorks for you! And then of course we had a slideshow of all the orchestra memories which was awesome.

After that, I had a sleep over with my friends. We ended up getting home at past midnight and going to bed at 2. Saturday, we all went to the Galleria for an ImprovEverywhere-esque mission. It was mostly planned and disseminated through FaceBook, so I didn't have my hopes up. However, we ended up getting almost 40 people to freeze with us. We even got on the front page of our city's newspaper's website!! And I'm in the video they put up!! Today was seriously one of the most exciting days of my life.

And now I'm back and I have a lot of studying to do. Exams in less than 2 weeks, and I'm extremely stressed out. Hopefully, I'll do alright. Oh yeah, if yo'ure interested, check out the freeze here: pi d=823433113&bctid=1545106342

I'm at 00:27 and 00:32!!
Unknown "Bed Pan!" Lazy - 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago

Today was a little more interesting than usual. I got randomly drug tested in 5th period. It was really weird sitting in a room with like 10 people just drinking water and waiting for our turn to pee in a cup. I didn't know anyone, and it was like silent, so I just drew sheep all over my student information sheet.

I went to the bookstore today to get my choice novel. I originally borrowed the book from a friend and read it in two nights, but now I need it for a project, so I had to buy it. And I ended up buying The Diary of Anne Frank as well. I've always been meaning to read that. So I was reading it today in bed, but I was so exhausted I just fell asleep. Which really sucks because I was intending on staying awake all day. Good thing I didn't sleep for long.

I've been feeling really low and tired lately, and I figure it's from sleep deprivation, so instead of going to bed at 12:30 every night, I'm going to try 9:30. That will reduce my screen time significantly as well, so hopefully I'll feel better.
Unknown "Bed Pan!" Lazy - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago

Today was pretty uneventful, so I think I'll write about Saturday.

So Saturday, Yeoshina, Eunice and I went to the Galleria, and you won't believe it. There was some kind of gay black convention or maybe some parade. Everyone was gay and black. I know, it's really random, but it's true. We went to Sephora and I did everyone's makeup and this really tall drag queen goes up to my friend and says "Omg, I love your eyeshadow. Did you do it yourself?" Ahaha. How flattering.

Got a REALLY cute Juno shirt that says "Paulie Bleeker is the cheese to my macaroni" on the back and the ending guitar scene on the front at Hot Topic. It was like 22 dollars minus 5 from my gift card, so I felt guilty and tried to return it. But the girl never gave me a receipt, so they wouldn't take it. But I guess it's a good thing because I love the shirt, lmao.

Then we went to Kona Grill and got sushi. Our waitress was a total tard, and got our order wrong and kept forgetting shit, so we ended up staying there for an hour and a half. And we couldn't even get a proper dessert 'cause by the time she got to us they had run out. Yeah, I didn't leave her a tip.

Fun day. This week is going to be long and sucktastic.

I can't wait 'til summer!
Unknown "Bed Pan!" Lazy - 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago

Heyy. Sorry I haven't been on Human Pets too much. I've been doing a lot of other stuff.

So updates on my life...

I got a haircut. I hate it! Lady didn't get the length right, so I look like a total FOB!! Ahh.

On Friday, we watched SuperSize Me! in health class which I still think is an awful movie. The first time I saw it, I went to McDonalds immediately afterward. That is precisely what I did on Friday as well.

I had a 3 hour orchestra rehearsal. And directly afterward, I volunteered at an elementary school carnival. For the first hour I was at the rock climb, the second hour I spent at the giant slide and the third at the moon walk. I didn't even realise I had been standing nonstop for 3 hours until I got home and my legs were killing me and they still are. :[

Yesterday I sent Paulette Cooper, the author of The Scandal of Scientology and victim of Operation Freakout, an E-mail and she replied today. Ahh! I can't believe I talked to one of the PIONEERS of the anti-Scientology movement, not to mention an award-winning author. That is some crazy stuff.

Also yesterday I was in Chinatown and we were in Hong Kong market. And there's this boutique with a bunch of imitation clothing. 99% of it is hideous, but I found this dress and it was SOOOO CUTE. Well my mom didn't want to get it right away, so we decided to come back later, but by the time we came back, the lady had already left!! Ahhh. *cry*

And today I went to Wal-Mart and slept the whole day. Typical Sunday. But we have Monday off. Yipee! :D
Unknown "Bed Pan!" Lazy - 17 years, 21 days ago

I got back from the Galleria about an hour ago with one of my friends. It was really fun. I got this really cute hoodie that was 50% off because there was a V-Day sale. I guess there is an upside to Valentine's Day! And I also got Pure Seduction perfume from Victoria's Secret. That stuff is MAGICAL!! :DD

Anyway, on to something a bit more important in my life. I'm a born activist. I'm too opinionative, forward and outspoken not to be. And around the beginning of February I began to look into a current issue, Scientology. It is hard to think rationally about something so absurd and heavily criticized, but instead of hating it right off the bat, I decided to read into it. After reading both sides of the issue, I immediately took the side against it.

Scientology is a dangerous and sick cult.

I'm not going type everything about it here because that will take FOREVER, so I suggest you just click here and watch the video that briefly covers the most important aspects of it. At the very least, it will make you curious and urge you to do some research.

PLEASE tell your friends and family about this and tell them to pass it on. It is for your and their own good. As soon as you are sucked into this cult, there is no way out. Penalties for criticizing or rejecting the CO$ include harassing, suing, stalking, infiltrating your private documents and past and publicizing personal information, picketing your house, disconnecting and/or eventually murdering you.

All I ask is that you EDUCATE YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Knowledge is free.

Google keywords. You might have to add "Scientology" to narrow things down:
"Lisa McPherson"
"Operation Snow White"
"Operation Freak Out"
"Fair game"

I'll provide some links for you as good, reliable sources:

Also, go on Youtube and type in "Scientology" for more videos and information.

Next protest: March 15, 2008 (The Ides of March)
Unknown "Bed Pan!" Lazy - 17 years, 29 days ago
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your shops so funny :)
You have been given dance for you!.
Crafted by D__
-B- "B FOREVER" Quietly living a wild life - 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
His Holiness the Loli Drama
Ooo, Katt Tran logged on within four days. =O
His Holiness the Loli Drama "🌱" Saturn Ascendant - 16 years, 6 months, 8 days ago
His Holiness the Loli Drama
Cute picture, kid.
His Holiness the Loli Drama "🌱" Saturn Ascendant - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
His Holiness the Loli Drama
Well, I did lose a lot of points worth of pets, but they were mostly inactive anyway. x_X
His Holiness the Loli Drama "🌱" Saturn Ascendant - 16 years, 9 months, 19 days ago
His Holiness the Loli Drama
Well, to make a long story crazy-short, some of the mods got pissed at me because I was making waves. So they were over-censoring my items.

I started protesting and things got a little out of hand, so I ended up banned. Then I took it to the streets and really started making an issue, so Patrick let me back in. And everything's happy now. ^^;
His Holiness the Loli Drama "🌱" Saturn Ascendant - 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
His Holiness the Loli Drama
I got banned and hath not points. I'll pump you up some. *Schwarzenegger accent*
His Holiness the Loli Drama "🌱" Saturn Ascendant - 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Katt's House of Tacos

Nonanimated items are only 150 points. Animated items are only 300 points. I take a lot of pride in my collection of slaps. :] Have fun and be sure to leave a comment if you buy something, and I'll return the favor!

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a Jew fro
1 use

150 pts
a Jew fro
Bought by 30 people
Pirates of the Gay
1 use

300 pts
Pirates of the Gay
Bought by 69 people
the bus that killed Jesus
1 use

300 pts
the bus that killed Jesus
Bought by 172 people
1 use

300 pts
Bought by 6 people
a quick kiss
1 use

300 pts
a quick kiss
Bought by 26 people
a bitch slap
1 use

150 pts
a bitch slap
Bought by 160 people
1 use

300 pts
Bought by 21 people
a Nazi watermelon
1 use

300 pts
a Nazi watermelon
Bought by 64 people
Tyra's wrath
1 use

300 pts
Tyra's wrath
Bought by 29 people
a Rick James slap
1 use

300 pts
a Rick James slap
Bought by 31 people
an atomic wedgie
1 use

150 pts
an atomic wedgie
Bought by 26 people
true love
1 use

300 pts
true love
Bought by 5 people
a headbutt
1 use

300 pts
a headbutt
Bought by 35 people
a pat on the back
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300 pts
a pat on the back
Bought by 17 people
asian soap opera slaps
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300 pts
asian soap opera slaps
Bought by 33 people
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