1. [Present] - WHEEL OF FORTUNE ( Reversed )
连续不幸,挫折,障碍,中断,失恋,情人变心,迷失自我的恋 情,报应,无法和好
Continuous Unfortunately, setbacks, obstacles, interruption, Lovelorn, Valentine's
change of heart and a lack of self-love, and retribution, and can not be good
2. [Immediate Challenge] - STRENGTH
Love and strong willpower
3. [Distant Past] - THE MAGICIAN ( Upright )
事情的开始,熟练的技术与技巧,贯彻自我的意志,开始恋情与 交往,恋爱技巧的增进,
The beginning of things, skilled and skills, and implementing self-determination, began
romance and exchanges ,enhance skills of love,The change initiates the new
affection, happiness, happy romantic first experience, married life
4. [Recent Past] - THE CHARIOT ( Reversed )
争论失败,纠纷发生,障碍,违反规则,诉诸暴力,顽固的男性 ,突然的失败,不良少年,
挫折,自私自利,失恋,强逼的手段导致失败,遇上大的阻碍, 输给情敌,逞强,穷途末路
Arguments fail, a dispute has arisen, obstacles, breach of the rules, to resort to
violence, stubborn men, the failure of a sudden, not good youth, setbacks, selfish,
Lovelorn, compulsory means lead to failure, and the obstacles encountered, lost to
love rival, showing off power , a dead end.
5. [Best Outcome] - THE EMPRESS ( Upright )
幸福,成功,收获,稳定,无忧无虑,圆满的家庭生活,达成心 愿,性感的魅力,婚约,快乐
Happy, success, harvest, stable, carefree, complete family life, achieves the wish,
the sexy charm, the engagement, the joyful affection, the familial assembly, because
of sympathizes love which produces, the fill blessing marriage
6. [Immediate Future] - THE WORLD ( Upright )
事情完成,非常的幸运,光明的未来,希望与美好,名誉,胜利 ,成功,人格高尚,单恋将
有结果,人人称羡的爱情,热恋,天生一对,希望中的求婚场面 幸福的婚姻,获得良缘
The matter completes, the unusual misfortune, the bright future, hoped and happy,
the reputation, the victory, the success, the noble in character, will carry a torch has
the result, love which everybody will express admiration, will be in love, the inborn
pair, hoped will propose the scene, the happy marriage, will obtain the predestined
7. [Factors Affecting Situation] - THE EMPEROR ( Upright )
光荣,胜利,握有领导权,有勇气的行动,坚强的意志,达成目 标,完成责任,安定状况,
Honorable, the victory, holds the leadership, has the courage motion, the strong will,
achieves the goal, completes the responsibility, the stable condition, in mental
loneliness, compels launches an attack successfully, overcomes a rival in love
8. [External Influences] - THE TOWER ( Upright )
意外的灾难,危险,失败,名誉受损,灾害,意外,骄傲,自大 ,情况急转直下,失去一切,
因出轨或通奸而被大火烧伤,强暴,与危险的男人交往,谣言, 破碎的恋情
Accidental disaster, danger, defeat, reputation damage, disaster, accidental,
arrogant, the situation develops rapidly bad after a sudden turn, loses all, because of
adultery is burnt by the fire, violent, with dangerous man contact, rumor,broken
9. [Hopes and Fears] - THE LAST JUDGMENT ( Upright )
全新出发,复活,发展,下决定会有好结果,找回遗忘已久的贵 重物品,精神上的觉醒,遇
见老朋友,和好,拥有坚强的意志力与信仰,言归于好,遇见初 恋情人,旧情复燃,有结婚
Embarks brand-new, reactivating, the development, the decision will have good
results, retrieves the forgetting already long valuables, in spiritual awakening, meets
the old friend, becomes reconciled, has the strong willpower and the belief, is
reconciled, meets the first love sweetheart, get back with the ex lover, has the
marriage possibility
10.[Final Outcome] - JUSTICE ( Upright )
平衡,光明正大,明理,重视道德,友好的态度,帮助弱者,和 平,强烈的正义感,绝对的
爱情,不够深入,秘密公开,异性朋友,商量解决问题,脚踏两 条船
Balance, frank and upright, bright principle, takes the morals, the friendly manner,
helps the weak one, peace, intense sense of justice, absolute love, insufficiently
thorough, the secret is public, the opposite sex friend, discussed solves the problem,
dating with more than one person
Unknown "Sponge Cake" Injured
- 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago