mmkay, so you're gonna make yourself unhappy by breaking up with the girl you love just because she doesn't believe in that same magical invisable made-up man in the sky who you only know of because of a book and some stories.... thats way wack kid.
"Mon petite"Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
tsk tsk. whatever will you do when you fall in love witha pagan.
"Mon petite"Uncertain
- 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
hello. um, how r u? god luvs everyone, you know. no offense or anything, i am a christian, but that girl below my thread is right. i think it's nice to want to talk about God to people though. =]
i'm sorry. just wanted to add my opinion. u can do what ever you want.