Since time memorial man has feared,
time's own passage, since man appeared.
Man fears death, in any form.
Dark, hunger, a coming storm.
Man fears circumstance beyond control.
Fears it's loss, it's loss' toll.
What nightmares built, based on these fears,
to jolt and wake us, cause us tears.
But these we dismiss, explain away,
as humanity, but these hold no sway.
We convince ourselves, we make this truth.
And have always done so, since our youth.
So much so that it's now true.
Our fears aren't fears, and we know it too.
What strange thing then, that man fear love.
Light and free spirited, gift from above.
what strange irony that fears aren't fears,
but to fear this pain that oft' leads to tears.
It leads to joys as well, happiness unimaginable.
But we fear this "love" I think, and we always will.
Unknown "Del" Dazed
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago