Ah, what tales to write of these tales to tell. This is an interesting new forum for me to use. How to use it? Do I right something real and telling about myself? Do I write anecdotes about my life that mean little? Do I write about the world around me and those that reside in it? So many choices, so many choices. I'm still not sure about what I am going to do with this, but the first tale I believe that I will tell is about my Christmas.
My trip back to my homeland, err, my parents place, for Christmas, lasted most of four days. The trip there was the first day. My extended family came to visit on the second day. It involved a gift exchange, dinner, and the usual family bonding. The third day was my immediate family's gift exchange. I got lots of clothes, V for Vendetta, the complete series of Firefly, and books to read by Terry Pratchett and Raymond E. Feist. The fourth day was the drive home. That is my tale, short as it is.
Unknown "Snapshot" Serene
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago