I am having a little GIRL ~ Tayla Jade Fisher xxx Tarryn Inggs Fisher"My Dearly"Adored
- 14 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
I AM GOING TO BE A MOMMY ~ *YAY*!! Tarryn Inggs Fisher"My Dearly"Adored
- 14 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
Hello everyone! I was put under pressure by friends and family to enter bride of the year in South Africa this year so I did! Now I have to get people to vote for me of course .....
It does not cost anything so if any of you would like to vote, go to the link below and all you have to do is register and you can only vote once!
would really appreciate your vote and it's open to everyone all over the world to vote!
I got married on the 30th of January 2010! And after a beautiful wedding day and fantastic honeymoon, I am now back at work and back to reality ; ( I have put some wedding pics up for those who want to see. (Above) Tarryn Inggs Fisher"My Dearly"Adored
- 15 years, 19 days ago
Want to wish all my friends a very merry and happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year! May all your dreams come true in 2010! Take care and be safe, see you all here next year xxx Tarryn Inggs Fisher"My Dearly"Adored
- 15 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Happy birthday wish you all the best always dear Tarryn...and congratulation on your new baby girl :))....I saw some pics on fb...she is wonderful...:))...Enjoy in great itme...Sending you love and kisses!!!!!!!!!!!
"My Butterfly ❣"...
- 14 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
Hi Tarryn, Happy New Year Hunnie!! Hope you and Tayla are both well and happy!! May 2011 bring you much joy and happiness!! :) x How old is the little princess now?? What's new with you (other than the baby?)...
P xo
"Mizz Pxo"See the latest tale xxx
- 14 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
Hi hun :) No worries about HP! I know you and Tayla would be busy out there with things :) Glad to know that both of you are doing ok and Tayla is growing so fast :) Take care sweetie. Hope you and your lovely family are having a wonderful weekend :)