"Red Heat"Bold
- 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
mine mine miiine again!! lol GO HABS GO!!!! It's all about keeping the faith. And boy do I ever have stories about the last few games I've been to and how the fans and "fans" reacted. And also about how my Pink Habs jersey was stolen Sat. May 3rd (not at the bell centre but later on elsewhere). What a weekend!! Hope yours was less stressful and that no one stole any of your Habs apparel and then denied it to security when they were asked about it just like the twit whole stole mine did. Off now to have repairs done to my car (it broke down on St John's in the middle of traffic hour with cars all around me speeding by.. fun times!)and I have a trip coming up, busy times... Have a Habbie Monday! It's gorgeous out. Playing golf at all? :)
"my sweet friend"Adored
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
I was watching the game at McKibbons tonight, good place to watch as well. I've been watching everywhere these days. Hope you enjoyed, even with the loss. Next 3 games = WINS!!! ROUND 3 BABY!! :)GO HABS GO!!
"my sweet friend"Adored
- 16 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
- 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago
You're getting pricey!! I'm not sure how much longer I can afford you!! lol Alright I'm on my way out to watch the game!! I have a friend who is there tonight and I may be going to game 2. yippeee!! GO HABS GO!!! We're WINNING tonight, Cheers ttyl:)
"my sweet friend"Adored
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago