Shaiya... mmorpg... addiction... @_@ UnknownSleepy
- 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
My friend had this professor who always played a music video each day before class depending on the lesson he was covering and this was one that I happened to sit in on. xD Asoka makes me giggle~ ^^
So, the thieving continues. But it doesn't really matter because HumanPets doesn't rule my life as it seems to rule yours... All that matters is that I know that I had him first and no matter what you say, that is the plain and simple truth. Lying is bad, just to let you know... I mean, you seem a little out of the loop. Perhaps you should try to work on your interpersonal relationship skills a bit more? You know, instead of jumping to conclusions maybe you should have asked me a question or two? But it would seem I'm the only one retaining my sanity here... Heh, oh well. This is not something I will be stewing over, because it is irrelevant. I would hope for you to do the same.
Well, in more important news, I beat Final Fantasy XII today! After a year of not playing it, I was a bit confused about some things but the ending was wonderful... and such a cliffhanger! I know there can be so much more to this game... if only they would have had a XII-2 instead of a X-2, heh. That'd probably ruin it, though. But I can honestly say that this is my second favorite Final Fantasy, right next to IX... almost a tie, even. x3 Now all I need is a PS3 for when Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII come out... damn, lol. But here are both the trailers in one vid... x333
One thing I would wish for is that people would stop making assumptions. Period. It's primitive behavior and can ultimately lead to your downfall. You should come to conclusions on your own, without solely relying on the opinions of others. Is this too much to hope for? Probably, because there are so many weak individuals out there who can't speak for themselves and/or find it too strenuous to use a little bit of that brain they were born with... But one can hope. UnknownSleepy
- 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago