So, today I decided to write another tale. This I will consider my REAL tale.
That means, even if i win a thumb, don't blindly thumb this thread.
It will be a true test of ability to see if my original work is worth a damn.
Chapter One -
Chelsea stepped onto the floating pier, pulling her sunglasses down over her grey green eyes. She ran a slender hand through her straight black hair, glancing around as the ferry left, leaving her with just a handful of others. She watched as they trickled away, onto private boats or water taxis, and her stomach sank. She was the last one left. Suddenly her heart jumped as she saw an approaching boat. She crossed her fingers as the boat grew closer, hoping it would be for her.
"Chelsea Garmer?" A balding man in a ratty fishing hat asked her, barely sounding curious.
Chels nodded, and held out a hand, dropping her tote to her side.
"Just a second, Chelsea, we need to get a shot." He gestured to another man who was holding a large video camera, and the man nodded, understanding. He looked back at Chelsea. "We're just gonna circle around for a couple shots." He explained, putting the boat in reverse, "Just pick a point on the horizon and keep looking at it." He instructed, shouting over the rumble of the engine.
Chelsea nodded, and stared forward, striking a subtle pose to lengthen her neck, and contracting her stomach. She'd applied for this show online, but never really figured she'd be on it. For now it was just a summer job before she started at Yale.
They stopped circling, and pulled up to the dock, the balding man jumping off to tie up the boat while the cameraman cleaned his lens for another shot. "Nice to meet you, Chelsea, I'm Ray, the producer. I'll be taking you over to the island in a minute."
"Nice to meet you Ray, I look forward to working with you." Chelsea smiled, politely, her white teeth shining in the sun against her golden skin.
The older man chuckled. "Actually, you won't be seeing me much after today." He told her, hoisting one of her duffels into the boat. "You'll be with Will. He's the host. And of course you'll meet the other contestants." He added.
Chelsea nodded, interested. "So... What exactly is the point of the show, again?"
Ray looked at her, incredulously, as he loaded in another bag. "Aren't you supposed to be the genius kid?" He asked, but smiled. "It's kinda like a survival game. Like Endurance, or the Amazing Race. But one on one." He explained, taking her tote last, and placing it in the boat. "Climb on in." He offered her an arm.
Chelsea pulled herself onto the boat, and jumped down to the deck. She straightened her skirt carefully, and walked over to the cameraman. "Hi, I'm Chelsea." She introduced herself, smiling.
"Lenny." He smiled, the graying blond hair falling into his eyes. He looked late thirties, early forties, well toned and tanned from the summer sun.
"Lenny's gonna be seeing you around occasionally, but you can't talk to him while he's filming." Ray told her, closing the hatch to the luggage, and pushing off from the pier.
"No problem." Chelsea smiled, openly, hoping to get him on her side. The more the producers and cameramen liked her, the better the shots of her that would be aired. Plus, they both seemed friendly. She hopped up into the seat Lenny offered her.
"If you want, there's some snacks down below, and drinks." Ray commented, driving the boat at a smooth pace over the sparkling blue waters.
Chelsea refrained from mentioning that she was a good four years underage, instead opting for snacks. It WAS a survival game, after all, it would be good strategy to grab a few granola bars to stash in her bags in case they had to hunt or something. She slipped out of her chair, climbing down the stairs into the modestly furnished inside of the boat. She rustled through the snacks in the large wicker basket, stashing a handful of granola bars and a few miniature boxes of cereal in one of her bags, then grabbed a brownie to take back above deck.
Unknown "American Idol" Daring
- 16 years, 9 months, 4 days ago