1. How tall are you barefoot? 6'1
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? hell fuckin no.
3. Do you own a gun? nope. My mother owns one(dont ask me what it is, some medium sized hang gun with a shitload of hollow points) but I own 2 full sets of "functional" japanese swords, a few pieces from my favorite designer/producer Kit Rae, a pair of Sai's, and numerous daggers, 6 dogs, 5 of which I have no doubt would attack the first person to cross the family in front of them
4. Do you play with the ads on the side of the screen? sometimes.
5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"? not really.people are like dogs. they can smell fear.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? not fond of them.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Dont think i have one?
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? doesnt really matter. im as fine with tea and coffee as i am soda and some vodka
9. Can you do push ups? yep
10. Is your bathroom clean? not really
11. What's your favourite piece of jewelry? My Wolf ring and spiked bracelets
12. Do you like pain killers? If I'm in pain, sure
13. Secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Dey call meh da plumba for a reazon, son O.o ..lol, i kid. hmm, I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be *Grins*..not to mention the hair helps a good bit.
14. Do you own a knife? take yer pick.
15. Do you have A.D.H.D? A.D.D. sure
16. Middle Name? Charles
18. What's your normal bed time? whenever I pass out
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, milk, juice
20. What time did you wake up today? 1:34pm
21. Name one person that comes to mind right now? Beth, stole this from her.
22. Current worry? finding a job to get my shit going >.23. Current hate? YOU!YA FUCKIN' PUNK! lol. i keed, i keed. hrm..nothing at the moment
24. Favourite place to be? So-Cal
25. Least favourite place to be? SC, where I am now lol <- Agreed
27. Do you own slippers? nope
28. What shirt are you wearing? black long sleeve thermal under my Wicked Jester Wolf shirt
29. How many people have ever truly broken your heart? 3.
30. Favourite colour(s)? Cobalt, Black, Gunmetal silver
31. Would you be a pirate? No, fuck pirates. NINJAS RULE!
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? erm. I dont count beer an alchoholic beverage. let alone "fruity" beer.
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? whatever's playing on the mp3 player
34. What did you fear was going to get you in the night as a child? usually the Undead, Demons and such. Didn't help that I saw cloaked figures walking up and down the upstairs hallway back then. >.>;
35. What's in your pockets right now? keys. phone.
36. Is anyone on your mind right now? yes
37. Do you think you get enough exercise? not really. need to correct that.
38. Worst injury you've ever had? Truck accident
39. If you could cheat on your spouse, would you? Karma comes back to bite you on the ass.
40. Why? are you retarded? <- agreed
41. Who is your loudest friend? Verbally? Tac. Sexually? hmm, Anna claims to be, bekah qwueefs a lot apparently, Jasper isn't quiet in anything he does and I growl, so take yer pick.
42. Who is your most silent friend? once again, verbally, Christine. Sexually? good question, lol.
43. Does someone have a crush on you? Dunno, probably?
44. Do you wish on shooting stars? no.
45. What is your favorite book? got a few.
46. What is your favorite candy? anything chocolate and mint.
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? Deathstars remake of White Wedding comes to mind first, lmao. Um, honestly, dont know.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Considering I want everyone to enjoy themselves instead of sitting around moping, let them pick. It's a fuckin' party.lol. just as long as they cremate me, I dont give a fuck.
49. What is one of your favourite quotes?
No Idols...
No Heroes...
No Leaders...
...Just pure inner strength.
50. What were you doing 12 AM last night? watching repeats of Smallville.
Alexander Wolf "Daemonic Wolf" Playful
- 16 years, 27 days ago