Well I think Ive had enough of HP for a bit. Tonight was the last straw for me and I won't be around much. I have a very busy life anyway and I'm tired of some of the shit that goes on. Some of the most rude, inconsiderate,racist and dishonest people are on HP. I'm so tired of it, I have enough drama at home I dont need it online too.
Now there are some I love to death Jason, Cindy, Karlie,Amanda, autumn,Sammy, brian, jackie, jamie, and some others i can't think of at this moment (im very tired) Thank u guys for makin me feel loved! I'll still be around off and on but not as much. I love u guys xo
If u dont like what i have to say I dont care. I'm tired of having to impress the people who are so mean on here. when did it become ok to act like that? when is it ok to insult someone else? because u dont have to face me, that makes u a coward.
If you dont like me cuz I'm american thats also fine....u know people pretend to insult our government (like theirs is perfect or uncorrupt) and say its not dirrected at us..I say BULLSHIT....stop pretending to not insult me...have the balls to do it and not hide behind ur stupid government shit. Ya know people sterotype us but have half of u who have even met one of us? no so shut up
Hmm what else has pissed me off...oh fake people posing as other people and wanting sick things. Thats so wrong and Kharma is going to bite u right in the ass for that.
i think my rant is complete..if anyone wants to still talk to me (and is my friend , i will not add u if u wanna cyber or trade pics or whateever)( I'm a person and I'm tired of not being treated like one! ) send me a message and I'll add u to msn or yahoo. As I will be chatting more there from now on.
OK i think thats all...as i said to all my friends I love ya xoxox sorry for the rant its not at u guys other people
Unknown "CherokeePrincess" Hurt
- 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago