As I ran after these, suspicious men, as they entered some shack, so ugly and rusty not even I would consider sleeping in it.. I listned carefully:
"Hey, George, do you think anyone followed us?"
"No, for the last time!! No one, stop being with this paranoia!!"
"Sorry, George, better be safe than sorry... so when will the rest of the delivery arrive?"
"Next week, so then we can start right away, this will happen... We will be RICH!! Nothing can stop us now, haha!!
After that, those two men left that shack, I hid behind the shack, as they locked up and walked away... I just gotta wait for my hunting period, what is inside that, mysterious box? I just gotta find out, but they locked up pretty tight... now, what can a wolf do, what can a wolf do?
Unknown "Kotieläin"
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago